Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: Have a little family drama before everything goes downhill~ :D This chapter is a bit short, just like the last one, but I didn't want to start on the major events (yes, they're happening soon) in the same chapter as this drama. Hope you enjoy~


The moment I stepped foot outside of the twins' vehicle, I knew I should have answered my phone.

Sitting in the driveway, conspicuous as ever, was a beat-up, green car I would have recognized anywhere. After all, he'd owned it since I was little. I froze in place at the sight, eyes growing wide as saucers. The twins were saying something to me, I knew, but their words buzzed without fully registering in my mind.

"He's here..." I realized.

That's why the text was written in English.



I took off for the front door, uncaring about the fact my dress certainly didn't appreciate the rough treatment. The moment I'd tore it open, my eyes searched the entry-way. Standing perhaps a dozen feet inside, with a lively smile on his face, was a man I hadn't seen in nearly a year. His coal-black hair was trimmed short, where it'd once been long enough to be held back by a hair-tie. The memory of him shaving it, just as I'd chopped off mine, flashed through mind as I raced towards him.


He barely had the chance to turn around before I threw myself at him. We nearly toppled over, but thankfully, the difference in our sizes kept him standing. As I buried my face in his chest, I could hear the twins join us in the house. Any other time, I would have spun around to chew them out for entering without permission, but at the moment I couldn't care. As if reading my mind, Dad laughed. One of his arms returned my hug, the other reaching up to ruffle my hair.

"Missed me?" he asked.


"A foreigner?"

Again, I ignored the twins confusion, content just to stay where I was for now. In those few seconds, I felt the weight of the world dropping from my shoulders. I knew as soon as I stepped away, it would come back, but for now... I'd just be the girl being comforted by her father.

"You two must be Emi's friends," Dad observed in English, dropping his hand from my head. I might have asked why he didn't speak in Japanese, but before I could he continued. "I sincerely hope that's all you are. My assistant refuses to allow me to register a firearm in this country."

My cheeks flooded with color and I jerked back from the hug, scowling. "Dad!"

The man in question started laughing, only making me scowl more. Crossing my arms over my chest, I glowered at him.

"You can't just say stuff like that," I snapped.

The jerk had the nerve to try and look innocent as he turned his hands palm-up in the air. "What? I was nice enough not to say it in Japanese..."

"They can understand you, idiot!"

"Emi-chan," Hikaru began.

"You called him dad?" Kaoru asked.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Not only were they choosing to speak English as well, but they'd appeared on either side of me without warning. Thankfully, they seemed to have read the room and refrained from dropping their arms on my shoulders, or getting to close, or any of the annoying stuff they usually pulled. Rather, they were wearing their innocent looks as well, accompanied by welcoming smiles.

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