Chapter Ten

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If I hadn’t known Eri’s moods as well as I did, I might have said something when I slipped into her room later that evening. Knowing her as I did, however, I was completely aware that one wrong word on my part she she’d kick me out of her room altogether. Instead, I locked the door behind me and perched on the end of her bed, where I could lightly rub circles on her back. She’d buried herself under her blankets, but I knew that there was little chance she’d actually fallen asleep.

Eri was a person of habit. She wasn’t the type that could fall asleep at anytime of day unless she wasn’t feeling her best. Something like this wouldn’t change that fact about her.

While I rubbed her back, I tucked my knees up to my chest, wrapping my free arm around them. The buzz of my phone in my pocket caught my attention a few minutes later and I slipped my arm from around my knees to tug my phone out. My brow furrowed in confusion as I flipped it open to a text from a sender simple labeled as “dumbass #1”.

‘How was the family business?’

My hand on Eri’s back stopped moving as I studied the text, attempting to decide how to reply. As a result, I barely noticed her shifting beneath my hand until she spoke.

“Is something wrong?”

I shook my head, turning it to give her a reassuring smile.

“Nothing, lay back down.”

With a small frown, she did as I’d asked, tucking the blanket back over her shoulders. Turning my attention back to the text, I removed my other hand from her back and quickly typed out a response.

‘Family business means family, dumbass. You’re not family, you don’t get to know.’

Almost instantly, I received a response.

‘Tell Tono that. We’re siblings in his mind, remember? So spill.’

‘Delusional families don’t count.’

‘Do too.’

I gritted my teeth and was about to respond as my phone vibrated again, this time with the ID “dumbass #2”.

‘Delusional families definitely count.’

‘I’m deleting my number from your phones tomorrow.’I replied in turn, although I wasn’t that sure how well that would go. Two verses one, the odds weren’t in my favor.

My phone reacted violently a moment later as two texts came in at once. Predictably, they said the same thing.

‘Good luck with that.’

I chucked my phone across her bed and simply glared in it’s direction.



“It’s nothing,” I replied immediately. “I was just thinking about how some people shouldn’t be allowed to own technology. It’s a crime towards the human race, well, that’s if they’re human. I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t.”

“... alright…”




Luckily both of the boys left early the next morning so that they’d have time to find their first class before it started. As a result, Eri and I managed to escape to school without having to run into them. It took a bit of effort, but I managed to avoid the twins curious questions as well. Although, my attempt at deleting my number from their phones just ended in them snatching mine and “improving” their names in my contacts to “Genius #1” and “Hot 1”. I changed the names back the moment that they were looking away.

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now