Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: A little tip for you guys who don't know the reason behind the use of "I like you" in manga/anime confessions. In Japanese, the use of "ashiteru," the direct translation of "I love you," in a confession would be super strong. Asiteru (あしてる)is rarely used in the Japanese language. So, where we may say, "I love rice," in Japan, you'd say, "gohan wo daisuki desu / ごはんをだすきです." You don't use ashiteru, the direct translation of "love." Rather, you're saying "rice is my favorite." It's the same for saying that you like something. So, where in English we tend to use "love" when referring to strong romantic, or otherwise, feelings for an individual, the most that would translate to using Japanese words is "I like/really like you."

A confession itself is actually considered mandatory for a relationship most of the time, funny enough! While I was in Japan, a few studyabroad friends of mine (meaning they, too, weren't from Japan) dated a few Japanese boys, and they went through the experience as well. It's aparently very nerve racking to confess to a guy, since it's an actual thing. But, again, ashiteru wasn't used, although later on, the word "love" was used in English.

Anyways, here ends my mini explanation for the concept of like/really like/love in Japanese culture. I felt the need to explain this... hope I didn't break the tension, lol.


'I like you.'

It was funny, in a completely not-funny way.

See, I know I'm hot. I've got a body I've worked for, that some girls would die for, and I inherited my biological father's looks, with my mother's curves. I got my fair share of confessions growing up, and have dated my fair share of guys. But I'd be damned if those words out of any of their mouths had ever made my heart race the way they did from Kaoru.

It sounded as if it'd jumped out of my chest and right up to my ears, pounding to the time of the words as they circled through my mind. "I like you. I like you. I like you."

"Come again?"

Perhaps not the time for jokes, but I had to hear it one more time.

As if reading my mind, Kaoru's hesitance was replaced by a wicked grin. He leaned in once again, grasping my face with both hands. I could feel myself going hot once again, electricity lacing my skin beneath his featherlight touch, as he brought his lips within an extremely kissable distance. Then, he paused.


My entire body tensed. His eyes met mine, sending a shiver down my spine.


I couldn't help it, I leaned towards him, my breath mixing with his.

"Hm... what came after that?"


I tangled my hands in his hair, dragging his face in the last few inches. Once again, our lips were pressed together. Unlike before, the kiss wasn't sweet. It was the sort of kiss that heated you from head to toe, and made you thankful you were alone in the middle of a maze. It made you want to thank the gods that no one with a sane head on their shoulders would dart out in the middle of the storm as you had done-- because it left you alone to drag closer a boy that you'd suddenly realized, you very much liked.

That was, until someone cleared their throats and Kaoru jumped back as if stung. My hands dropped away, face setting aflame as I turned my gaze towards the maze. My embarrassment only grew, accompanied by a flood of irritation, when I found the entirety of the host club gathered a short distance away, umbrellas in hand, the majority of them clearly in shock.

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