Chapter Twenty

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Emi was really starting to tick me off.

It wasn't like I was some fragile, glass creature. I was a human being with a will of my own and being continually locked up in our house wasn't something I was fond of. Not. One. Bit. At some point, though, my irritation with her must have dissolved. After all, I had never been the sort to be able to go to sleep while my mind was consumed with other matters. Well, unless I was really sick. At the moment, however,I was fine.

Ha. Fine.

I was as fine as cancer girl can be, I supposed.

Either way, when I blearily opened my eyes to a very strange, unfamiliar sight, I felt no anger. If I was completely honest, I had no clue what to feel. I mean, what girl would when they woke up to the sight of a certain dark-haired host watching them with a narrowed-eyed, thoughtful expression.

"K-Kyoya?" I squeaked.

He blinked, surprise flickering over his face. Within a second his face smoothed over, that familiar, impossible to read expression returning. Rather than respond right away to my obvious shock, he pressed his pointer finger against the bridge of his glasses-- pushing them up as he glanced at the watch on his other hand.

"Good. We won't be late."

I could only stare at him from my snug position beneath a swarm of heavy blankets. We wouldn't be late? Had I made plans with Kyoya? I didn't believe so. Actually, I hadn't spoken to him for several days. There'd been too much going on and Emi was so jumpy that as much as a sniff on my part had her ordering the servants to lock me in my room.

"Are you decent?" he added after a moment, eyes flickering over my still, concealed form.

"Sweat-pants..." I answered evenly. "Where are w--"

"Those would work," Kyoya cut in, pursing his lips slightly. "However, I doubt you would be pleased in the end. Should I call someone to help you change?"

"No... I can change myself..."

"Very well. You have ten minutes."

Then, without explaining his presence or his sudden order, Kyoya turned away. I quickly shoved my blankets away so I could sit up, ignoring how the sudden action sent my head spinning.


He paused, glancing back at me with a raised brow. When I didn't immediately ask the obvious question, one corner of his lips twitched upwards in just the barest degree.

"How flattering."

It took a full minute for me to comprehend what he was talking about. Almost instantly I wrapped my arms over my chest, cheeks flooding red. The tank-top I'd donned before tucking myself beneath the blankets... well, it had slipped my mind when Kyoya asked if I was decent. The red material was thin and stretchy, something that was much more Emi's style. The only reason I wore it was it was just a bit too small for her tastes (shockingly, as Emi tended to love clingy clothing). The problem came in with the fact that as Kyoya had observed, the tank-top managed to make the few curves I did have completely and utterly obvious as it stretched snugly over my chest.

Without any ounce of hesitation, I buried myself beneath a protective layer of blankets once again.

"Did you want something?" Kyoya prompted after a moment of embarrassed silence on my end. "As I said, we are aren't running late just yet. Soon, however..."

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