Chapter Thirty-Six

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For a moment, he seemed frozen in place, as if my words had stopped the world itself from turning.

Then, slowly he defrosted. His eyes searched mine, as if asking if this line was truly one we should cross. For a moment, I considered taking it back.

I could be the kind person I pretended to be. I could laugh it off. 'Wasn't that a funny joke?' He'd accept it. I knew he would. Perhaps it would save him from the scars I could see my selfish actions were branding him with. In that single second, there was an air of vulnerability to where he stood, and I knew how cruel my actions truly were. If... and most likely when, I died... he'd be left to live with this single memory.

In that moment, I felt like the worst person.

But, I said nothing.

And, slowly, Kyoya inclined his head.

There were no words for the emotions that seemed to stretch into the air between us. They were complicated. They were hot and driven, full of unspoken words and impossible desires. Of the future we'd spoken of, of the tenderness shown in the books he'd purchased. Of the hours we'd spent together. Of the laughter, the smiles, the fight. Of the day he'd pulled me onto that elevator, making me hope for the world that hung before us now.

He pressed one hand to the mattress beside my face as he leaned down. This time, the fact I couldn't breathe had nothing to do with my cursed body. No, it was due to the way he brought his other hand up to tuck a free lock of hair behind my ear. It was in how the warmth in his fingers seemed to burn against my chilly skin, leaving an unfamiliar tingle behind as he slowly drew it down, pulling my mask out of the way, before placing his fingers beneath my chin, tilting my head to the side just so.

Seconds seemed to stretch to hours as his lips hovered just above mine, his eyes filling with emotion I'd never seen in his face, something that blurred my own vision.

Then, his lips pressed against mine.

It was the gentlest, featherlight touch. It spoke of a desire to protect, as if anything stronger would turn the heat in the air into something forbidden. It would turn the warmth to fire, the scars into gaping wounds.

Unbidden, I brought my hands up to the back of his head. My fingers brushed into his hair-- coal locks that seemed to feel softer than I ever imagined-- and I pulled him down, deepening the kiss. It turned from sweet to seeking; from heat to flickering flames. I parted my lips in just the slightest degree, and Kyoya took the offering in the same heartbeat.

He tasted of coffee.

His hand feel from my face, pressing into the mattress on my other side as we seemed to search for something in each other. A world, perhaps, where this could continue. Where it could go further. The beep of my heart moniter sped to a degree that set off the faint thought in the back of my mind that the nurses might come running in at any moment.

But oh, how for once, I didn't care of the consequences. I just wanted to linger there, beneath the weight of his lips, feeling everything.

Then, he pulled back, breathing as heavy as mine. I felt grateful to the core that my body seemed willing to give me this single moment. The fact I didn't break into a fit seemed to be heavensent. It gave us the best moment as he lingered there, close enough to kiss again, but not daring to do so. His glasses had fallen forward in just the slightest degree, hair mussed from my fingers having crawled through it.

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