Chapter One

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One of the worst memories I have of my sister is also one of the most important things I've ever experienced. It's of Eri, hairless and mostly bone, hooked up to more hospital monitors than I can count.

I like to think I'm a pretty brave person- that memory scares me to death.

It's been years since then, but I don't think I've been able to let that go. That's probably why Eri gets pretty pissed with me so often. One great example would be our... opposing opinions on the matter of abandoning  Lobelia in favor of Ouran Elite Private Academy. Also known as the pink school for rich brats. Which, of course, included myself. I'd like to think of my sister as an exclusion from the brat category.

Well, on most days.

"Okaasan and Otousan agreed to this," Eri muttered, glaring at me from her bed. "Now, what exactly is the problem?"

"It's not 'a problem,'" I corrected, emphasizing my words with air quotes. "There's two of them."

"Fine," she sighed. "What are the problems?"

"One," I began, ticking a finger. "I don't want to go to school if you aren't going. Two, I still don't see why we had to transfer. You were comfortable at Lobelia."

As much as I'd hated the school, Eri wasn't good with boys. If Eri didn't like something, I could do without it, it was as simple as that. Even if- in my personal opinion- girls were much more annoying. The academy we'd attended before Lobelia had been co-ed, something I'd relished in. That had also been when Eri was sick. I had her back. If that was the trade, it was a pretty damn cheap trade.

Eri sighed once more, leaning back on one of the pillows propped up behind her. She then tensed for a moment as she raised her hands slightly. Within a second, however, she'd dropped lightly back in her lap. I was acutely aware of each movement, which of course caused her to frown at me. I shrugged, easily letting the expression roll off. I was used to such looks from her when it came to these things.

"You'll go," she instructed. "You have no choice in that matter. Secondly, you were one wrong move away from being expelled from Lobelia, so it's not like we had a choice."

Scowling, I flipped over on her bed and turned my eyes to the ceiling. That wasn't my fault. The damn idiot had deserved it.

"Skipping class, starting arguments, almost decking someone..." Eri listed off and I held up one hand to stop her.

"Got it, got it, you don't need to go on," I groaned, turning my gaze back to my sister. "I get the idea. I still say it wasn't my fault."

She wrinkled her nose and started to respond, then shut her mouth abruptly. Instantly recognizing the look on her face, I snapped up to seize her basin from the side of the bed. The second it was in her hands I turned my head away, pressing my hands to my ears. 

I'm squeamish, sue me. 

Eri lightly tapped my shoulder when she'd finished, her face considerably paler than before. Which was wasn't that hard since it'd been flushed from the fever since early yesterday morning. As I shifted around on the bed in an attempt to ease my churning stomach Eri grabbed a glass of water from her bedside table.

"It was completely your fault," she grumbled as soon as she'd rinsed her mouth out.

It was everything I could do not to plug my nose. Just the sight of the basin made it seem like I could smell it from my position on the opposite side of the bed. I was oh-too-grateful that Eri had done the nice thing and placed it on her side this time around. As it was, I took careful note that I'd need to phone someone to come and change it out for a fresh one.

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now