Chapter Three

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Escaping while the host club was busy with their customers proved easier than I thought it would be. I guess during class there aren’t any squealing girls to pull the twins away from their prey- meaning me. I had no doubt that tomorrow I would hear about this from someone, most likely them. I couldn’t really bring it in myself to care, however. I mean, who wants to sit in a room full of squealing girls while the boys flirt with them? And if what I caught as I inched out of the door was any indication, those twins were not exactly the sort I wanted to stand there and watch. What was with them having their hands all over each other, anyways?

At home, I found Eri missing from her bed. Instead she was sprawled out in the middle of her bedroom floor with piles of clothing, books, and papers spread out around her. It wasn’t that horribly surprising seeing as the longer Eri was confined to her room, more and more things tended to pile up. It was actually more encouraging than anything, she must have been full of energy after getting up if she’d managed to get this mess. I swear, Eri was the sort who without our maids would have a room that you couldn’t walk across without stepping on something.

“And may I ask what your room did this time around to deserve this?” I asked, dropping my things on top of a pile on her desk. “Also, why aren’t you in bed?”

“We’re switching places today.”

I paused, rather surprised to be honest. Normally that sort of thing was my field of business.

“That’s not exactly the answer I was looking for,” I told her, examining her piles with my eyes. I knew from experience not to mess them up when I crossed the room. One wrong move and there’d be an avalanche.

“I decided about an hour ago. Today, we’re switching, then we can play the two places at once game on Thursday. Until then, I get to be you and you get to stay here,” she said, ignoring me.

I blinked, then sighed a little as I picked my path around her stacks and dropped myself next to her on the floor. My back was up against the foot of her bed and I could easily see the book she’d been flipping through. It seemed to be something comparing centipedes and millipedes.

My sister astounded me sometimes. It made me question how on earth we could be twins.

“The reason?” I asked, deciding to leave the topic of her literature choice out of the discussion for now.

Eri scowled, snapping her book shut as she looked to me.

“I’m tired of sitting around here wiggling my thumbs, and I would rather die than have one more person call me or one more servant come in here, both just to ask if I’m feeling any better. LIke they even give a fu-”

“So you’re going to school before the doctor said you could so you can make me take the calls and questions instead of you,” I said, choosing to cut into her rant. Eri rarely cursed, although she tended to have a bit of a temper when it came to these things. I’d actually seen her yell at someone for telling her that she shouldn’t do something because of her health.

“I am.”

“You’ll no doubt get sick again,” I told her, disapproval filling my tone.

“Might not,” Eri replied, sticking out her tongue as she dropped her eyes back down to the textbook. “I’m tired of studying out of these. I want to learn in a classroom with a teacher. I want to be around people besides you, no offense, even if I’d rather not actually talk to them. You like skipping school, right? Then this should be something you’d enjoy.”

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now