Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N: The pic is Usa-chan's cousin! 


Thankfully, by the time the hosts made it the hospital, Kitaru had already left. From the look on his face as he'd shuffled out of the room, something about my somewhat-sincere words had struck with him. He'd almost smiled-- a feat considering the current situation. It wasn't but somewhere around ten minutes later that Emi and the rest filed into the hospital room. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of each of their hands holding a different object.

Tamaki had a bouquet similar to the one he'd given me when we first met. Honey, a rather large purple bunny in one hand, Usa-chan in the other. Mori held a rather large bakery box, which explained why Honey had a stuffed animal, not cake. Hikaru had what looked like a case for a handheld game system, no doubt meant to help pass the hours. Haruhi had a manilla envelope in one hand, a small gift bag in the other. Kyoya had ahold of a big bag that looked to be weighed down by something.

Kaoru... held Emi's hand.

My eyes went wide at the sight, and when she caught me staring Emi blushed and pointedly dropped her hand. No one seemed quite sure what to say at first, and I was about to open my mouth and thank them for coming, before Tamaki finally shuffled forward and offered the bouquet with a sweet smile.

"For the sick princess?"

I couldn't help but laugh as I took it, sticking my nose in the flowers much like I'd done the last time he'd spoken those words. He grinned, most likely having been aiming for such a response. Instantly, Honey appeared next to him, Usa-chan having been deposited somewhere while I was distracted. Both his hands were stuck beneath the purple bunny's arms as he held it up for my inspection.

"This is Usa-chan's cousin!" he announced. "Bani-chan. Do you like him, Eri-chan? If you do you can have him!"

"Of course I like him!"

I took the bunny in hand with a soft giggle, a little unsure of the reasoning behind his choice on the "relationship" for my new bunny. 'Bani-chan' turned out to have extremely soft fur, resulting in me placing the bouquet to the side and snuggling the bunny to my chest. Tamaki seemed to pout for a second, then recovered as he loudly announced how "cute" I was being. I felt heat flood my cheeks, but pointedly turned my attention to where Honey was holding out his hands to Mori, to take the box. Honey returned within seconds. He made room on the tray next to my bed so he could take the lid off and proudly show the cake inside.

"Kyoya said it was okay, so we brought cake, too! Let's eat it!"

"I said it was okay in moderation," Kyoya corrected.

Honey seemed to muse that over, putting a finger to his lips as he tilted his head back. Then, he brightened.

"I usually eat a whole cake, so that means we can go halfsies!"

I started laughing, hugging the bunny to my chest as I did. It hurt, but the warmth flooding me due to their thoughtful gifts was so much sweeter than the pain.

"I'm not sure that's moderation, Honey," I pointed out. "How about we all get a piece?"

"That'll make the pieces small..." he considered, frowning.

"Mitsukuni," Mori said.

"Okay!" Honey declared. "That's... eightsies!"

As Honey eagerly pushed Mori to cut the cake, Haruhi approached the other side of my bed. I reached for the bed control-- moving the mattress so I could sit up completely and settle the bunny between my legs. This accomplished, I could take the small gift bag as she handed it over.

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