Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: Above is the dress. Now, obviously, this is a real dress not made by whatever label I mention in the story. All names are fictional if you couldn't guess. 

P.S.  Fair warning, I've been writing TONS of second person present tense recently so if the flow feels off, that would be why. I'll take another glance at this chapter at a later date to see if there's anything I can do about how off it feels. For now, I thought you'd appreciate an update and that I should quit putting it off in an attempt to better write it. 


Upon reaching Hikaru's room I slid the dress from the bed so I could tug the zipper down. It wasn't until that moment-- as the action dislodged it-- that I realized I'd left my phone sitting atop the dress. The crimson phone cover had blended in so completely I'd missed it and since arriving I hadn't had a second to even think about checking my messages. At the sight of the small blinking light indicating I missed a few, however, I found myself plucking it from the floor and swiping through my notifications.

Game notification, spam email, spam email, gam... ah, there.

I paused in my scrolling. There were several missed calls from an unknown number as well as a few messages from them. Given the lack of voice message, I settled for flipping through the texts. Even at first glance they caused me to furrow my brow, confusion flickering through the back of my mind.

Was that... English? The number was foreign as well...

From: 1-516-434-9103

10:34 a.m.

U home this wknd?

11:01 a.m.

I apologize for the text speech. I was preparing for a meeting. You didn't answer your phone... so I imagine I have horrible timing, but... I'm in town and I was hoping to see you. I've another meeting. I'll call again when finished.

14:38 p.m.

I have an overnight bag, so I'll just head to your place and wait. Please call when you see this.

Call, huh?

I pressed my finger to the button-- curious enough to call back-- when a knock sounded at the door. I jumped, my phone slipping from my fingers.

"Are you ready yet?" Hikaru questioned.

Shit. I instantly spun to face the door. Given his little trick this morning my phone suddenly seemed a lot less important.

"No! And you better stay the fuck out this time," I snapped.

He laughed, but the door stayed shut. Not wanting to waste anymore time, I quickly changed, adjusted my hair and makeup, then met Hikaru in the hallway. His eyes instantly swept me over from head to toe, giving me a moment to study him as well. He'd changed out of his casual clothing into a simple, two-piece suit. As one might expect, he'd opted out of the classic black-and-white and donned a teal suit jacket with matching trousers and a rather shiny, silver bow-tie.

It was an outfit that somehow worked on him. As I tore my gaze back up to his face, absently wondering if Kaoru would be wearing the same, I realized Hikaru was still staring.

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now