Chapter Six

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The little secret of Haruhi’s ended up sealing our fate when it came to the host club. When everything had been cleared up, it was decided to keep her male deception going, which meant that the two of us who know about everything ended up being declared honorary members. Meaning we weren’t hosts, but we had to attend host club activities so that they could guarantee that we wouldn’t say anything. Honest, it was Emi they’d been referring to when they’d said that, it was obvious she was the one out of the two of us who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. What with her being my twin sister, though, it was impossible to just choose her, so I got added on.

Later that evening I was grateful that even after we got home, Emi didn't question my break-down earlier in class. As for myself, I pushed it from my mind. I couldn't dwell on it- the memories wouldn't do me any good. Nothing would change, it would only cause Emi to worry about me more than she already did. In occurrence to that worry, she stuck close to me all evening. She didn't study but for an hour, and after she'd finished that she flung herself on the end of my bed with her sketchpad and didn't budge until later that evening when she declared darts practice.

For the next few days this was the pattern, minus the break-down and incidents at school. We'd get up, get dressed, and head out to class. Once there she'd banter with the twins, effectively making it easy for me to stay on the edge of their radar, which was preferable. Haruhi and I were more compatible, seeing as we both liked studying and preferred quiet settings. She could be a little strange- mostly just blunt- but it wasn't like we didn't all have our oddities.

After class we'd all head off to the Host Club. Most of the time Emi would be kidnapped by the twins, although she'd manage to escape to Honey just once. I'm not sure how many days passed like this, I know it wasn't many, before two surprises hit us in one week- there was a third, but that one was something that only I knew of. The first happened at the club a few days before the other. My secret surprise happened before all of it.

Towards the end of class, I’d begun to feel sick to my stomach. Getting permission from Sensei to leave the classroom, I took off to the bathroom. The nauseous feeling began to fade, but I didn’t leave the restroom right away. Instead I simply braced my hands on each side of a sink, closing my eyes as I attempted to deny the taste in my mouth. It wasn’t the acid one I’d been expecting, but one much more concerning and coppery. A cough burst from my chest after a minute and I clasped my hands over my mouth. When I pulled them away I could only stare.

Crimson colored the palms of my hands.

I shakily rinsed it off then reached one finger in my mouth, feeling around until I found it. The edge of my gums on the bottom right side was sore and bleeding. How I hadn’t noticed earlier surprised me, although with a little more thought I realized it didn’t. Anything like this would be on the bottom of the list of things I wanted to see happen. Tearing a paper-towel from the dispenser, I held it to my gum, annoyed by how quickly it became useless because of saliva.

Well, at least it wasn’t bad enough that Emi would notice. There was no guarantee that it actually meant… I mean my blood tests…

It hit me at that moment that I’d requested to have the blood tests stopped months ago. The doctor had agreed after contacting my parents, and had even promised not to say a word to Emi about the matter. He’d been telling her that they were clear and perfect.

Well, at least that meant that she wouldn’t be worried.

When I left the bathroom and went back to class, the bleeding had stopped. The trembling of my hands hadn’t, however. Thankfully, Emi was grumbling at one of the twins under her breath, attempting not to be heard by the teacher and didn’t notice. I easily slipped into my seat and started taking notes.

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