Chapter Twenty-Two

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I had no clue what was going on, to be honest. When the twins dragged Emi off, allowing me to politely decline the tour, I'd caught sight of a few other girls and Haruhi following behind them. Whatever the purpose of the tour, however, it was only a short time later when I saw them emerge and Mori hold Haruhi up in the air nearing the edge of a cliff. I shook my head, unable to even remotely pull a reason up in my mind.

Still, I continued to watch the strange events as I shifted further down my blanket so that I could pull the upper part over my shoulders. Despite the heat the sun was putting off on the beach, a small shiver racked my frame. This distraction was most likely the reason I didn't instantly notice the moment Kyoya sat down in one of the beach chairs the twins had been occupying earlier.

"How are you feeling?"

I glanced at him, hesitation flooding through me. After a moment I shook my head and settled them atop where my knuckles lay beneath the blanket.

"As well as you might expect."

He fell silent for a moment, giving me time to study him. His lips were pursed in just the faintest degree, fingers curled into small fists against his legs. Beyond that, there was no sign of what he was thinking as he watched the rest of the club's antics. His expression was perfectly blank.

"What are they doing?" I asked, turning my attention back to the others. It would have been rather embarrassing to get caught staring.

"Attempting to win a bet," he replied simply.

"What's the prize?"

"PIctures of Haruhi."

I laughed. The emotion died away a moment later as I found it difficult to breathe. I pressed my mouth to the blanket, taking deep breaths in through my nose. The feeling wasn't unfamiliar. With my particular type of cancer, (as well as with chemotherapy) anemia was rather common. Faintly, I remembered it being a possible side-effect of the medication as well. When I thought back to the faint dizziness that had been plaguing me for a few days, as well as how damn tired I felt, it only made sense.

Could have been worse, I mused, mind turning back to how chilly I felt. I'd rather a low red blood cell count than white. Well, any lower than than my usual screwed up immune system. It simply meant that perhaps I should call and ask about testing to see if I needed more frequent blood transfusions.

"Your next appointment is after we return from the trip," Kyoya commented, once again startling me from my thoughts. "When I told the doctor of our trip, he said to warn you to be careful about being around so many people. He suggested a face mask..."

"I'm not going to wear one."

"I know. I told him as much. Which is why he said to be careful. He also said to be careful about the bottled water. Make sure you drink something fresh and to keep moving even if you're tired. Your body will appreciate it."

I rolled this over in my mind before glancing towards him again. This time, our eyes met.

"So, in your opinion, Kyoya-sensei, just sitting here...?" I joked.

"Not advised," he replied, lips twisting up just the faintest degree.


I released the blanket, letting it crumble around my ankles as I shifted my arms back so I could press my palms into the soft blanket behind me. I knew my cheeks had turned a bit pink, but it was worth it for the cocked brow I received from Kyoya as he caught sight of my suit.

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