Chapter Thirteen

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“Are you going back on your end of the bet?” Hikaru asked, causing me to grit my teeth.

I was sorely tempted to simply chuck my phone across the room.  If this was all that they’d had to call me about maybe it would be best to just hang up on them. As this crossed my mind, my eyes dropped to the sketchpad spread out across my knees. The picture was only an outline at the moment but I had a bad feeling of how it would turn out. The two figures were already displayed rather clearly in my mind.


“It sure sounds like she is,” Kaoru commented.

“Yep,” Hikaru agreed. “It really does.”

“No, it doesn’t. I just don’t like this idea of yours. Why should I come over to your house? Besides, didn’t you guys mention at one point that your parents aren’t home often? Wouldn’t that put me in the house alone with you two?”


The tip of my pencil broke off casting lead over the picture. I glared at it for a moment as I attempted to calm down enough to answer.

“Never, bakas.”


“Yes, bakas.”

I heard snickering on the other end and could feel my cheeks get hot. They were laughing at me?

“So you really are afraid,” Hikaru stated after a moment. “I think we found her weakness, Kaoru.”

“She’s afraid of being alone with boys?” Kaoru questioned.

“No, I think it’s just us. Who knew she liked us that much?”

“Shut up!” I hissed, tossing the pencil to the side and pushing my sketchpad  off my lap. “I’m not afraid!”

“It’s okay to admi-”

“I’ll come!”

“Great,” Hikaru chirped. “We’re almost to your house. You better get ready.”

“Bye!” Kaoru added.

A second later the line went blank. I lowered the phone and stared at it for a moment as what just happened sank in. They’d done that on purpose!

“Bakas,” I muttered under my breath.

After tossing my phone to the pile that held my pencil and sketchpad, I slid off of the bed and walked over to my closet. A moment later I had the door open and had begun flipping through my choices.

Scared my ass. I’ll show them.


As I started down the stairs, I could hear the twins talking. Their voices were too low for me to make out the words, but I was suspicious none-the-less. What evil could they have planned for this little get together?

“Hey, ass-hat duo, what are you talking about?”

I was halfway down the steps by that point, and I could see both of their faces as they turned towards me. Hikaru was speaking, however, even before his eyes found me.

“Your brother wouldn’t be happy if he heard you talking like that,” he commented.

“My brother knows what he can do with that opinion of his-” I began, cutting off at the wide eyed look I was getting from both of the twins. “What?”

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now