Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: Fun fact about this chapter. This is the last one I have from the old version of this story, and it was originally from Eri's (Akemi at the time) POV. She would come across the KyoyaxHaruhi scene and freak (she was a much weaker character in the last version). When I started this chapter, I was planning on playing it out the same way, then I realized that this manner was much more appealing. After you guys read, why not tell me what you think!


By the time we reached the sitting room we were to gather in before dinner, everyone but Haruhi had arrived. My guess was that she was still dealing with the aftermath of the events on the beach. Kyoya'd called a doctor, so no doubt that would make her the last to arrive.

The first thing that drew my eyes when we stepped in was how the twins had a box settled on the room's coffee table, Honey and Mori standing behind them as they went on about whatever rule paper they'd pulled from the boardgame. Nekozawa sat on a couch on the opposite side of the table, occasionally interjecting whenever the twins messed up a rule. Tamaki was sitting in the corner, moping per usual. Kyoya, himself, sat to the side, a book held in his hands. When we entered the room, he glanced up for a moment. His eyes flickered over me, then to Eri where they settled for a moment before dropping down to the book once again. He honestly looked more relaxed than he usually did.

Eri looked at me uncertainly, obviously not interested of the idea of playing whatever game the twins had found in Nekozawa's haunted mansion, but also most likely not wanting to leave me alone. I rolled my eyes, perhaps a bit more irritated than reasonable, and pointedly moved over to where the others sat.

"So, what're we playing?" I asked.

One of the twins twisted the box around for me to read and I scanned it curiously, before uneasily glancing back up at them.

"Death's Fortune?"

"What's with that look?" Hikaru teased.

"Scared?" Kaoru added.

I bristled irritably.

"Of course not!"

That matter settled, it was only a handful of minutes later that we were all settled around the board and being provided with creepily accurate fortunes. Even Kyoya and Eri had been dragged into the matter. I would have bailed the instant Hikaru drew 'two months later will be punched for hitting on someone's girlfriend,' but that would have been admitting defeat to the twins and no way in hell was I going to do that. I had my pride riding on this.

Well, that and yet another bet. The terms of this bet were to be set after the game finished, just one of the other three playing beat us out.

"Ten years later, your height will decrease by two centimeters!" Honey read, a small pout on his face.

"Who's next?" I asked. "Me?"

"If you're the owner of the piece the furthest from the goal," Hikaru teased.

I glowered at him and threw the dice before drawing a card that matched the space I'd landed on. I frowned at the difficult kanji that covered the card, earning myself an eyeroll from Kaoru who snatched it out of my hands before I could protest. Hikaru snickered as his brother scanned the card.

"One month later, is visited by death..."

I stiffened, drawing a frown from Kaoru. Eri, having been quiet the entire time, studied her piece with a small frown, as if uncertain she even wanted to touch it at this point. Kyoya sat next to her, his hands stiffly curled around the ends of the arms of his seat. Before the others could question my reaction, I glowered at the board and pointed at one of the only pieces that had yet to move this round.

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