Chapter Thirty-Three

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'What am I doing here?'

I stood just inside the Ouran Private Academy doors, aware that my face probably reflected the numbness that had refused to leave. Some part of me was grateful for the gray skies that I'd seen stretching out over the academy when I'd arrived. It was as if they were mirroring my emotions-- my nothingness.

Those few minutes in the hall with Kaoru had helped, it was as if he'd chipped into the ice that'd surrounded me following the news about Eri, but it'd soon been filled in again when I'd woke in the hospital to find Eri struggling to breathe once again. The nurses had been scrambling back and forth, someone'd stuck something into her I.V., and then they'd noticed me and urged me out to a room I hadn't noticed before. Apparently, it was something set up for families staying overnight on the VIP floor. They'd probably told me about it at some point, but like most things it'd washed over me like nothing.

Hiroshi was fast asleep on the couch in that room, his hands clenched around his cell phone. It didn't surprise me-- he'd been on the phone almost constantly since we'd arrived, and only Kitaru-- asleep in on a fold-out cot-- had kept his phone from getting cracked as mine had.

Eventually, the nurses had stepped in to let me know I could return. There, I'd found Eri half-asleep. She'd asked what I was going to do for the day, in that mumbled, drugged up voice of hers that was uncomfortably familiar to me. Not knowing what else to say-- as I hadn't wanted her to worry about me-- I'd told her I was going to school.

So here I was.

Not a single part of me wanted to walk into the classroom. Hell, I could barely remember how to walk. When I got there, the twins would probably ask about how Eri was doing. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to answer. Did I tell them? Eri hadn't told me if she wanted everything to stay a secret. But, could I keep it, now? Would they be able to see what was going on just by looking at my face?

Dammit, I should have gone home. Should have told her I was going to school, and then just gone and hid in my room until the afternoon.

I could still do it.


Two, identical arms fell over my shoulders. I looked up, blinking owlishly when I saw exactly who I expected to see. In turn, the two boys grinned at me, nearly dragging me along as they started forward.

"If you wait here--"

"You're gonna be late."

No running away, then. Not unless I shook them off. I wasn't sure if I could, at the moment, so I just grumbled a complaint beneath my breath, but allowed the pushiness. Before I knew it, we'd made it to the classroom and the twins were urging me into my seat.

"Did you finish the homework?" Kaoru asked.

Wait, had I?

Finally given something productive to do, I pulled my things out to stow away in my desk, settling my notebook on the top as I did. Then, I flipped through the pages until I found where I'd written our assignment last week. I frowned, seeing the page blank.

"... no."

I couldn't bring myself to be too concerned about the situation. Sensei had no doubt gotten a call already about Eri, so he'd probably leave me alone for the day. I said as much, and the twins shrugged, putting away their own things. As they began chattering-- talking about that game they'd wanted me to come play, and how it wasn't as good as the first one-- more people began piling into the room. I dismissed the majority of it, that was until two girls paused, looking at Eri's seat, before moving to take their own. Instantly, they put their heads together and started whispering to each other.

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now