Chapter Seven

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Eri didn't come out of her room the rest of the night. When I went to check on her, the door was locked. I didn't press the reason, instead retreating to my own room. That night it was hard to sleep. All I could think of was the look on her face when she'd gotten the news... and how all of her social problems started around the same time that Eri and Kitaru had broken up. It was after that, that Eri had pulled into herself.

The next morning she was downstairs and eating breakfast by the time I pulled myself out of bed. She hadn't regained any color since last night and looked like she'd slept even less than I had.

"Maybe you should sta-"

"The party is today," she interrupted without looking at me. "I'm not skipping."

"But your heal-"

"I'm fine," she snapped.

Surprised, I gave a meek nod and sat myself down on my side of the table. Focusing on my food, I scowled and nudged it around with my fork. Nothing on my plate looked sweet. Actually, it looked like it'd been made specifically to fit Eri's tastes.

"Eat it all and I'll give you some chocolate on our way to school," Eri muttered.

Blinking, I sighed and gave her a short nod. Wrinkling my nose I stabbed a random item and plopped it in my mouth.

"If you don't get used to healthy food you're going to have problems later in life," she said, a slightly teasing tone entering her voice.

Picking up on the hint, I placed a playful frown on my lips as I pointed my chopsticks at her.

"I'm too amazing to have problems like that."

"Oh really?" she snorted.

"Yep, it's the truth."

"I'm sure."

"Hey, just look at me," I said, standing up and striking a pose. "I even look amazing."

Eri kept her face deadpan as she gave me a once over then shook her head.

"I don't see it."

I pouted as I sat back down, glad to see she wasn't so upset that she couldn't manage to joke around. At this an idea popped into my head and I increased my pout.

"Well, it's not like you're much better..." I declared, lazily stabbing my chopstick into something soft, I didn't pay attention to what, and flinging it at her. "See? You can't even make get your food in your mouth."

An indignant look crossed her face as she stared at me. A second later something was flung in my direction causing me to duck. The food flew over my head and I laughed at the annoyed expression on her face.

"Now I have to change!" she complained.

"Don't look at me," I replied, grinning. "I'm not that sort of sister. You'll have to do it on your own."

Scowling, she pushed away from the table and started in the direction of the door. I'd just looked back down at my plate when I heard her pause and turn back. I'd tilted my head up to see why just in time to get hit in the face with a jelly topped piece of bread.

"... okay, I did deserve something, but now I'll have to take a shower!"

She rolled her eyes and started towards the door again.

"You could just wash your face."

"No, I'll have to shower.What if stuff is in my hair! Just... gross!"

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now