Extra: ErixKyoya AU

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A/N: Because I couldn't sleep.

There's something magical about snow.

As I stood beneath the dark sky, staring up at the soft glow of the moon, I couldn't help but wonder if the night could get any more perfect. Perhaps the only improvement would have been if it never had to end.

When Kyoya had suddenly dropped by the house, saying that if I had the day free I should join him, I'd been surprised. The manuscript I'd been editing was due the next morning, and he knew it; so, the idea of being dragged away from my work for entire day bothered me. Still, I hadn't been able to say no. After all, even with as busy as he was, he'd made time to meet with me. It was only fair I give in as well.

The moment we relaxed in his car-- and it truly was his car, I couldn't help thinking about how cool he looked behind the wheel-- I attempted to grill him about the details. Kyoya, in turn, offered an unreadable smile and side-stepped all my questions. By the time we hit the city limits, I was sulking, and Kyoya knew it. The smirk on his lips said it all.

"The game," I decided.


"We've played it before, we'll play it again," I continued, ignoring the way he furrowed his brow. It was rare for me to bring up that time. "If I guess right, you have to tell me."

"I sincerely doubt--"

"I could get lucky," I grumbled.

Seeming to notice he was fighting a losing war, Kyoya sighed, focusing his gaze on the road. "Very well."

"Some new hospital."


"A theatre."


"A date."

His lips twitched. "That's not a location."

"That's not an answer," I retorted.

"Hm... fine. You might consider it one."

I lit up. "Really?"

"Why else would I steal you away?"

Heat filled my cheeks. He had a point there. Still, not willing to admit the oversight, I carefully considered my options. A date somewhere out of town...

"Does your family own it?"

He knitted his brow, as if the question required thought. "Partially."

How do you partially own something? I wondered. Fifty-fifty shares?

Unable to think of something based off that, I shot him a few more half-hearted locations, frowning when he shot down each answer. Eventually, I ended up sulking again, arms crossed over my chest. Kyoya, of course, was far too amused by this, commenting on how it made me resemble Emi.

"She is my twin," I retorted.

He rolled his eyes, obviously not appreciating my wonderful way with sarcasm. When the silence began to grate on me, I leaned forward and turned on the radio.

"--ito! There's no confirmation yet, but rumor says that's only a matter of time."

"That would mean that the only one of those brothers left is the youngest, eh, Yuu?"

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, actually. The rumor mill is churning about him, as well! Reportedly, they visited that shop together. Then there's those stories about H--"

Identical Memories (An OHSHC Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now