Chapter Thirty-Two [Part 2]

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3rd Person POV 

He should have expected it, but it still came as a slight surprise when his father brought her up over dinner. Prior to that moment, the conversation had been nonexistent. After all, beyond her, nothing important had happened since his father had last joined him for a meal.

"I heard from the hospital staff that you visited Hano Eri."

Kyoya paused, fork poised over his plate. His eyes flicked up to meet the unreadable expression his father wore. He'd known that the man would learn of her condition at some point-- his father was never the sort to ignore those Kyoya elected to spend his time with-- but it was surprising how quickly he'd gained that information. Despite the mixture of emotions that passed through him, Kyoya simply gave a small incline of his head.

"I did."

He could feel his father's eyes digging into him as he dropped his attention back to his plate. No doubt he was expected to provide more information than simply a confirmation, but while uncertain over what his father had been told, he was reluctant to share anything. This must have occurred to his father, because the man placed his fork on the edge of his plate. His eyes seemed to bore holes as they studied Kyoya without a hint of emotion betrayed on his face.

"From what I understand, her illness is considered to have a slim chance for a favorable outcome."

His father seemed to be picking his words with care, something that tugged Kyoya's eyes away from his plate once more. With the visible emotion of an iron wall, Kyoya once again inclined his head. Putting his emotions in a box, he-- like his father-- picked his words with care.

"According to her chart, that seems to be the case. The research center contacted me a few hours ago. Her blood work came back positive for pneumocystis jiroveci."

His father pursed his lips, the only betrayal of his thoughts on the manner. "And her current doctors?"

"Agreed with the diagnosis," Kyoya replied. "They'd performed a chest radiography prior to the call, and had already assumed this to the be case. They've also expressed a concern that she may be developing ARDS as a result of the damage in her lungs."

His fingers tightened around his fork, knuckles white. It'd taken the utmost control to keep his voice calm and detached-- as if he were talking about a stranger. Thankfully, his father had yet to shift his gaze away from Kyoya's face-- perhaps searching for any crack in emotions that might show, so he most likely hadn't noted the tension that laced Kyoya's entire frame.

"Are you in a relationship with her?"

Kyoya locked his jaw. Was he?


His father's eyes search through a full minute of silence. Then, his father dropped his gaze, picking up his fork once again. After several minutes, Kyoya placed his fork on the napkin beside his plate and pushed away from the table. Offering a slight bow in his father's direction, he met the man's gaze with his own.

"If I may be excused..."

His father inclined his head. Kyoya turned to go, carefully keeping his hands tucked in front of him to hide the furled fists from his father's watchful eyes.


He paused just before the door. Glancing back over his shoulder, he unclenched a hand as to place his pointer finger against the bridge of his glasses.

"Yes, Otousan?"

There was the faintest wrinkle between his father's brows, the man's lips pursed in that same, disagreeable manner. His words, however, were the warmest Kyoya'd heard in a long time.

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