Chapter 14

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          Nevaeh POV

       Ja'khi lifted Ethan over his back and began walking to the cafeteria, everyone else followed.
Once we made it out of the kids building, we saw that around 6 zombies were near the cafeteria building. Summer and Greg each grabbed one of the sharpened pencils that were found in the classrooms. Summer took a deep breath and ran towards one of the zombies with the pencil in hand. She stabbed a zombie in both of its eyes and ran into the cafeteria.
But I was surprised when Greg picked me up  and took off running into the cafeteria.
We somehow made it in and the cafeteria doors slammed shut behind us. Greg put me down and I walked over to the cafeteria window to see how the others would make it inside. Since Ja'khi and Ethan were zombies they had no trouble, same with Dakota. Selah had forced Summer to give her a piggyback ride so she made it in safely too. they all came into the cafeteria safe and sound. Ja'khi placed Ethan down and walked into the cafeteria storage room to grab some rope. Ja'khi tied Ethan up to the cafeteria pole so that when he woke up he wouldn't hurt anyone. It was pretty late so everyone went to their usual sleeping areas. Selah under the table, Dakota slept on a mat under the table, Ja'khi slept outside of the cafeteria for some reason, and Ethan was tied up to the pole. Greg and I slept together on a mat KOusing our backpacks as a pillow.

            Dakota's Pov

I woke up to see Greg and Nevaeh still cuddling on the mat making out , Marleen was watching TikTok with summer,Selah was in the kitchen making everyone some breakfast for once, and Jakhi was still sitting outside. I glanced over at Ethan and decided to go up to him, since I was a zombie myself he wouldn't attempt to hurt me. I went up to Ethan and he just stared at me with empty eyes. I wonder if.. maybe he could be a half-zombie like me... I reached out for the rope to untie him to see what he would do. I untied him, While slowly taking my hand off the rope. He was still sitting there, Looking around until Marleen walked by,He quickly stood up and charged at Marleen. I tried to stop him but I was too weak "Marleen! WATCH OUT" I yelled. Ethan tackled Marleen to the ground. I tried to pull Ethan off of her but I couldn't. Ethan was  about to do something he would regret. Summer ran over to us and helped me pull Ethan off of Marleen.  We had to tie him back up quickly. I ran over to Marleen and saw a cut on her leg. "DID HE BITE YOU?" I shout. "No, I cut my leg when he tackled me." Marleen said in shock. I grabbed one of the bandages we had gotten when we went to the office and wrapped it around Marleen's leg. "I'm so sorry Marleen..I thought he would recognize you." I said in a low tone.
   Nevaeh walked over to me and slapped me hard on the face leaving a big red bruise on my face "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT DAKOTA MARLEEN COULD HAVE BITTEN BECAUSE OF YOU" Nevaeh yelled at me. She was about to slap me again till Greg stopped her, I felt a heavy amount of guilt, due to my stupidity Marleen almost got bitten. Then Ja'khi walked in...

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