To the Rescue

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                           ⚠ Could be too suspenseful for some readers ⚠ 

Kion didn't stop until he got to the spot. "Over there, Kion." said Timon as he jumped of his back. Kion slowly walked to the spot and peered down. "Kion!" exclaimed Bunga.

"Don't worry, I'm coming down." said Kion as he walked into the Elephant Graveyard.

"You know that we didn't need your help. I had it under control." said Bunga.

"Then why am I here if you had it under control?" asked Kion annoyingly as he climbed up to them. Bunga was silent. "That's what I thought." said Kion. Kion quickly climbed down to them. "Hi," said Kion. "Hi." replied Bunga

Without another word, Kion quickly climbed onto the cliff, and put Fuli on his back. He quickly jumped on the rocks and maneuvered around to get back on the ground. Bunga was right behind him. "Zuka Zama!" shouted Bunga. "This is so much fun!" 

Kion quickly leapt of the last rock and was on the ground. Bunga quickly joined him, right by his side. "Let's get out of here, I don't like this place." said Kion. Bunga nodded in agreement. Right when they turned around, Kion heard a voice. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Bunga and Kion." sneered Janja.  "Great," said Kion. He looked around him and he was surrounded by Chunga and Cheezi. "It looks like you have a pickle on your hands, or should I say a cheetah on your back." said Janja sneering at Kion. "I don't want to fight you, so let us return to the Pride Lands." 

"You know we would, but we're hungry so..." WHAMM! Kon was rammed into Chunga. Fuli fell off Kion's back and was lying motionlessly on the ground. Kion quickly got back on his feet and saw Bunga punching Cheezi in the face. "Take that Hyena!" Said Bunga as he punched him again in the abdomen. "Bunga, get the others here."

"But..." said Bunga hesitantly. "No buts Bunga, do as I say. I'm in charge." said Kion.

"Okay, on it." said Bunga as he darted to the exit. Kion was standing by Fuli, who was still unconscious. "Back off Janja. I don't want to hurt you."

"Yeah, well we do." said Janja. Kion stood his ground. Chunga was the first to make a move. He quickly darted at Kion, but he was to slow. Kion quickly darted out of the way. "Come on Kion, we just want to eat. Give us the cheetah and we won't harm you," said Janja. "Not happening Janja." said Kion. "Hey Fuli, this is a good time to wake up."

 "Is there a problem with your friend Kion?" asked Janja. Kion gritted his teeth. Kion was about to summon the Roar of the Elders, when he heard his name be called. It was a small whisper. "Kion, what's going on?" asked Fuli. "Finally," said Kion. "Not trying to freak you out or anything, we're in the Elephant Graveyard and we're surrounded by Janja, Cheezi, and Chunga."

"What!?" exclaimed Fuli. Fuli tried to get up, but her legs were too weak. She wobbled when she tried to stand up, and she fell. "Sorry, Kion." Kion was disappointed that Fuli couldn't walk. "That's okay Fuli." said Kion. Then Kion got an idea. "Fuli, how much do you trust me?" asked Kion.

"A lot, why?" asked Fuli. "I'm sorry." said Kion as he picked up Fuli by the scruff of her neck and bolted to the exit. He knew that carrying Fuli by the scruff of her neck would be very painful. But this was the only way. "Stop him!" shouted Janja. The Hyenas ran after Kion. Kion knew Fuli was in pain by her face expression. It would've been easier if he carried Fuli on his back, but he had another plan. He passed a small slope, that lead to the Pride Lands. It wasn't too high up there. Kion had to act quickly "Hold on," muffled Kion. Kion bolted to the slope. He knew it was too steep to climb, but that wasn't his idea. He quickly ran up as fast as possible, trying to get the most momentum possible, and when he couldn't climb any higher, he chucked Fuli as far as possible and Fuli landed hard on the green grass of the Pride Land. She was safe. Fuli winced in pain from the impact and her neck. Kion knew Fuli was safe and he relaxed just a little bit, but he still had the hyenas to deal with. Kion knew he was high up, so he quicky turned around and ran down the steep slope. The Hyenas were right behind him. He ran as fast as possible to get away from them. While bolting down the steep slope, Kion's paw accidentally hit a rock, which he tripped on, and went flying down. The hyenas smirked. Kion landed hard on his back. "Oww!" thought Kion. He tried to get up, but he couldn't. His body was limp. He tried to persuade his legs to move, but they didn't. Kion gulped. Janja, Cheezi, and Chunga was right behind him. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here." said Janja. "Guys, time for a feast." grinned Janja. "A royal feast." the hyenas grinned. Kion knew he couldn't die like this. "Come one, I can do it, I can do it, get up, Get up!"  Kion painfully got up and looked at the hyena's grinning smiles.

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