⚠ Lion Guard Leader's Tree ⚠

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I know that it is very important to know about the past leaders of the Lion Guard

Askari: (First Leader of the Lion Guard)

Askari: (First Leader of the Lion Guard)

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Unnamed Mother †

Unnamed Father †

Unnamed Brother or Sister: Elder sibling †

Mufasa: Distant relative †

Scar/ Taka(According to, "A Tale of Two Brothers" or Askari II(According to, "The Lion Guard": Distant relative †

Simba: Distant relative

Nala: Distant in-law

Nala's Father: Distant in-law †

Kiara: Distant relative

Kion: Distant relative

Rani: Distant in-law

Kovu: Distant in-law

Zanta (2nd Leader of the Lion Guard)

Has no biography

Uru (3rd Leader of the Lion Guard)

Father or Father-in-law: Mohatu

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Father or Father-in-law: Mohatu

Sister: Sijali

Mate: Ahadi

Sons: Mufasa and Taka(According to, "A Tale of Two Brothers"                                                                                              Askari II (According to, " The Lion Guard")

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