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            ⚠ IT IS ALSO DEPRESSING ⚠ 

Cheezi and Chunga attacked the sides of Kion, while Janja was scratching him everywhere. "Like that Kion?" asked Janja mockingly. Kion only saw red. He knew he couldn't stand the pain much longer. Chunga and Cheezi rammed into Kion's one more time with all of their might, knocking the breath out of Kion. Kion wheezed out a cough, coughed up blood, and then fell on the hard ground. Janja climbed up on him and flexed out his claws. Kion shook in fear. "Boy, Kion. I didn't think I could kill you but here you are, about to be our meal." said Janja menacingly. He scratched his face, and saw blood spill out from the scratch. Then again, and again, and again, and again until his whole face was practically scratched everywhere. His claws were covered with Kion's blood. He got off of him and he coughed up blood. "We did it. We finally beat Kion." said Janja. He grinned and hopped back onto him. He whispered into Kion's ear, not letting Cheezi or Chunga hear. Kion's face went even paler, if it was not pale as it could get. With one paw, he put on his throat, choking him, and the other, about to slice his throat. Kion could barely see anything. All he saw was red and black. When he was just about to swing her paw, a blue blur knocked Janja off of Kion. It was Bunga! "Get away from my friend." said Bunga as he punched Janja in the face. Janja just sneered. "What? You think you can stop 3 hyenas at once?"

"Nope," grinned Bunga. "That's why I brought the entire family. Janja looked up and there was fear in her eyes. There stood Simba, Nala, Kovu, Kiara, Timon, Pumbaa, and all of the other lions and lioness.

"Janja!" said Simba. Nala looked at Kion and tears started forming in her eyes. Kiara couldn't even look at Kion, because she would've cried right there. Simba looked at Janja's eyes and he read everything. 

"What have you done?"

"Only what Scar couldn't do. Scar tried to kill you, the son of Mufasa. So, I'll kill the son of Simba." said Janja. Simba roared as loud as he could. Some rocks fell down, and bones bounced on the ground. His roar felt like an earthquake. 

Janja, Cheezi, and Chunga was afraid. "Retreat!" yelled Janja. The hyenas ran as fast as their legs could take them. "Get them!" commanded Simba. The lions and lionesses started chasing after the hyenas. Simba walked towards Kion, tears forming in the King's eyes. "My son, what have they done to you?"

Simba quietly wept. Kiara followed, and Nala. Kovu was trying to comfort Kiara, telling her that her brother would heal. Bunga just sat there. Tears started forming in his eyes too. "Buddy?" asked Bunga nudging on Kion. "Come on Kion, say something." All that was heard was the wind and small cries and whimpers from the pack. The pack came back and reported the news. "Sorry my King. It seems like the hyenas just disappeared. "Simba," said Nala. "Oh Nala," said Simba. He nuzzled her and let her cry on his shoulder. Kiara did the same on Kovu's shoulders. The others just looked down, thinking about the memories with Kion. 

Just then, the rest of the Lion Guard came to the scene. There stood Ono, Beshte, and Fuli. "What happened!?" exclaimed Beshte. Fuli gasped, and Ono stood there with his beak opened. "Come on Kion. Wake up please! Please, I can't lose my best friend. Not now." said Bunga sadly with tears streaming down his face. "Is he.... Dead?" asked Fuli. Simba just nodded. "Kion saved my life but lost his. It's my fault." "I can't be here," said Fuli. She darted away. "We'll talk to her." said Ono and Beshtie. When they left to find Fuli, Nala spoke up. "We need to leave, we need to tell everyone what has happened. 

Kion woke up from passing out and saw his whole family there staring down and crying. His whole body was soar. His face stung like nuts, and he couldn't move. It even hurt Kion to open his eyelids. He tried to talk, but he couldn't get a word out. His mouth wouldn't open his mouth. He couldn't move his body at all. He just laid limp there. He twitched his whiskers just a little bit. But Kiara noticed. 

"Wait." said Kiara. She walked closer Kion. "He's gone Kiara." said Simba sadly. She put her ear close to his mouth. At that point, everyone was watching Kiara. "I saw Kion move his whiskers." said Kiara. She waited to hear anything, but nothing came out. Kiara quickly went to his stomach and laid her head to feel if he was breathing. Kiara didn't feel a single movement. Kiara's eyes got watery again. "I don't want to admit he's dead. I just can't." said Kiara. 

No one else tried to see if he was alive. 

Soon, the sun started setting. "We need to get back, my King. I feel rain coming." said a lioness. Simba got up, followed by Nala, Kovu, Bunga, and all of the lions and lionesses. Bunga hopped on Pumbaa's back with Timon. No one spoke a single word. " Simba, Kovu, and the lions grabbed Kion's body, and put it on theirs. They all started back for the Pride Lands. Eventually, they put him in a cave, to hide him from the hyenas. Everyone left to pick for passion fruit. After 5 minutes, they came back with 7 passion fruits. They quickly broke them and spilled the fruit on Kion. The reason why is so that the Hyenas could not smell out Kion. His scent was too strong, so they had to pour passion fruit juice on him, to balance the stench.

"We'll come back for his body when the rain stops, no matter how late." said Simba. Everyone agreed with that plan. Everyone started walking away. 

Kion tried to call them back, but he was too weak. A couple of tears fell down his cheek. "Wait." he whispered quietly. No one heard him. No one dared to look back, because it would be too painful. "Oh Kovu," said Kiara. "I could swear to the Elders of the Past that I saw his whiskers twitch just the slightest."

"I know, I wish he was here too. Sometimes, when somebody dies, the other person doesn't want to admit that that the person is dead." Kovu laid his head on Kiara's head the entire way to Pride Rock. 

Rain started falling, and Kion was alone in a dark cave. His whole body was covered with scratches and gashes. There was a couple of holes on the ceilings, so when the rain came, it fell into the cave, onto Kion. The water stung his cuts, but he also was dehydrated. So, when the water came, he tried to lap up as much as possible. Moving hurt Kion so much, that he wasn't able to drink water. Kion whimpered in pain, and he soon fell asleep, all sore and painful.

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