He's Back

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"Nala. You know what to do." said Simba in a serious tone. She nodded her head and ran to Pride Rock. She was met up with a half-awoken Kiara and a sleepy Kovu. 

"Mom, you look.... frightened." said Kiara while taking a huge yawn. 

"Kiara, he's back." Nala said sternly. Kiara's carefree and relaxed face quickly changed into a serious face. "Are you sure it's him?" asked Kiara. 

"Who are we talking about?" asked Kovu confused on who they were talking about. 

"Kovu, there is this lion who has threatened to destroy the Pride Lands." 

"Wow. he sounds terrible." said Kovu. "He is." said Nala. We must go and confront him. Zazu, tell the Lion Guard to meet us to the rendezvous point."

"Yes, your Majesty." said Zazu as he flew away quickly. Kiara and Kovu, follow me." said Nala. Kiara, Nala, and Kovu ran to meet up with Simba who was walking to the lion.

"Where are the Lion Guard?" asked Simba when he saw the 3 come. 

"I'm not sure. we told Zazu to fetch them." Nala was about to continue when she was interrupted. 

"We're here!" exclaimed Fuli. Beshte, Ono, and Bunga followed behind. "What's the problem?" asked Fuli.

"There's a dangerous lion who has threatened to destroy the Pride Lands numerous times. We need to stop him for good." said Simba. "Take any action necessary. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an entire lion army." said Simba. 

"Peace of cake." said Bunga. Simba and the rest just rolled their eyes at Bunga's ridiculous remark. They kept walking for another couple of feet before their eyes fell upon the trespasser. Simba and Kovu started baring their teeth. The black lion looked confused. 

"Are you the king?" asked the black lion.

Simba and Kovu stopped baring their teeth. 

"Who are you?" asked Simba. 

"My name is Jioni. I come from the Twilight Regions." 

"I cannot recall befriending someone in the Twilight Region. At least you're not the lion I was expecting." said Simba. "Are you the King's son?" asked Simba?

"No, I'm not his son. I'm not related from any royal lion member." said Jioni. "My trip was long and was tiresome. Perhaps, can I stay here for a couple of night to re-energize?" asked Jioni. 

"Of course. You are welcomed here, Jioni. As long as you respect the Circle of Life, you are welcomed." said Simba. 

"Thank you so much, King Simba." said Jioni. "I'm very grateful." said Jioni. 

"Jioni, this is Kovu. My daughter's mate. He will show you where you can stay." said Simba. 

"Thank you again, King Simba." said Jioni. "You're welcome." said Simba.

"Who are they?" asked Jioni. 

"Jioni, this is Queen Nala, my daughter Kiara and her mate, Kovu."

"Welcome." said Nala.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure to meet you all." said Jioni acknowledging the Lion Guard and Kiara and her mate. 

"Kovu, please show our guest where he shall stay." 

Kovu nodded. "Follow me, Jioni."  said Kovu. Jioni bowed at Simba and Nala, and followed Kovu. 

"Thank the Kings from the Past that it wasn't him." Nala agreed. 

"Simba, I feel like something's off with Jioni." said Nala. "Yeah, I can feel that too dad." said Kiara. Simba pondered for a couple of seconds before an idea popped in his head. "I got it." said Simba.

"What?" asked Nala. Simba turned to the Lion Guard.

"I need you to spy on our visitor. Keep an eye out for any suspicious activities." ordered Simba.

"Of course, your majesty." said Fuli. 

"Come on guys. We got work to do and places to be." said Fuli to the members of the Lion Guard.

Nala, Kiara, and Simba watched the Lion Guard leave. 

"So, it wasn't him." said Simba.

"This is so weird. I really thought it was him." said Simba. Hopefully he speaks of the truth." said Simba. They walked back to Pride Rock. But during the entire time, there were two questions going through each of their minds.

"Who is this mysterious lion?" and "Where is Kion." 

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