A Good Morning Following With Nervous Glances

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Kiara and Kovu waited until Simba and Nala dozed off before they left the den. "Kiara, why did you want to take a stroll?" asked Kovu confused. "I need some fresh air. It's a lot to grasp. My brother is alive and he has to face a difficult challenge on his own. I don't know what I'm suppose to feel right now. Should I be sad or angry or worried?"

"Kiara, I think it's important to be happy that he is alive and is coming home."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." said Kiara sighing as she stopped walking. "I just wish I could be there for him. I'm his older sister, so I should be there for him whenever he need comfort or advice or even both. I can't do that." said Kiara sadly as she looked into Kovu's eyes.

"He will be alright." said Kovu. She smiled at him and they kept on walking. Eventually, the sun began to rise. 

"I guess it's time to go back now." said Kovu. "I guess so." sighed Kiara. As they walked back into the den, they were greeted by Nala and Simba. "Hi guys, where were you two?" asked Nala. 

"Kovu and I took a stroll mom." said Kiara. "We were talking about Kion."

"Don't worry. We're going to see our son again." said Nala. Simba nuzzled Nala passionately. 

"You guys must be tired. You guys walked for a couple of hours." said Simba. "Yeah, we are." said Kovu and Kiara at the exact moment. They smiled at each other. Nala hugged her parents and went back in the den. Kovu followed with her. He laid down by the tired lioness He yawned and licked  Kiara's forehead. Soon, they were sleeping side by side. 

Simba and Nala walked out of the den and walked outside. Zazu flew above their heads. "Good morning, your majesties." said Zazu. "Good morning Zazu." said Nala. "Hello Zazu. What's the morning report?" asked Simba. 

"The rhinoceros were arguing with the elephants again. But, I sorted everything out. nothing else to report sire."

"Thank you Zazu." said Simba. "It is my pleasure." said Zazu as he flew away. Simba and Nala smiled at each other and they took a stroll. Whenever they past any animals while on their walk, they'd bow with respect.

"Simba, do you think Kion is alright?"

"I do, Nala. I believe Kion has befriended someone already. He loves being social, so he most likely made some friends. There's nothing to worry about. My dad said that we must have faith in Kion. He must finish his journey." said Simba. Nala nodded in agreement. They continued walking in the Pride Lands together. Eventually, they were done with their walk. They started heading back to Pride Rock, when Simba saw Fuli, Beshte, Bunga, and Ono help a hurt gazelle. Bunga noticed Simba and Nala, and he waved at them. Simba and Nala nodded their heads. Simba and Nala began walking up to the Lion Guard.

"Hello your majesties." said Fuli.

"Hello Fuli." said Nala. "Beshte, Bunga, Ono." said Simba noting them each. 

"We have some news about Kion that we should share with you." said Simba. 

"Did you find him?" asked Bunga anxiously. "Yes and no." said Simba. "Huh?" asked Bunga. "How can it be a yes and a no at the same time?" asked Bunga confused.

"Kion is alive..."

"He's alive!?" asked the Lion Guard members at the same time. 

"Yes. I spoke with my father, and he is watching over him. Kion has to go on his own journey. I just wanted to let you know, not to worry. Kion is in safe hands." said Simba. 

"I'm happy that Kion is alive!" said Bunga. "It's unbungalievable!" exclaimed Bunga. The Lion Guard members were smiling. "Thank you for informing us of Kion's survival, your majesties." said Fuli. "Yes, thank you." said the rest of the members of the Lion Guard. 

"Of course." said Nala. "Alright, now because you know of Kion's survival, please get back to work." said Simba. "Of course your majesty." said Fuli. The Lion Guard, after saying goodbye to the King and Queen, ran off to patrol In the forest.

Simba and Nala walked back to the den happily. When they went back in the den, they saw Kovu and Kiara cuddling together.

"They look adorable." said Nala. "They do." said Simba. They decided to let the couple sleep more. Simba and Nala sat together by the edge of the rock, overlooking the Pride Lands. "I love you Simba."

"I love you too!" said Simba. They cuddled together for a couple of minutes, before Zazu interrupted their cuddling. 

"Your majesties, come quick. There is a strange black lion who wishes to see you. He said that it's urgent. Make haste your majesties, for he looks like a killer." said Zazu worryingly. Simba and Nala looked at each other with nervous glances. "He's back." said Simba softly. Nala and Simba's eyes showed fear for the visitor. 

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