New Surroundings

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The sun was up high up in the clouds, when Kion awoke. Kion was still so sore. Kion sighed and attempted to stand up. Luckily, he was able to stand up, but his legs were very wobbly. Kion limped towards the river and lapped up the river water. Once he was done, he looked at his surroundings. "This doesn't look familiar." thought Kion. "Where on Pride Rock am I?" thought Kion. Kion looked around, trying to find something familiar about his surroundings. "Nothing. This is just great. First, I get seriously injured and the next thing I know, I'm holding on to a tree log for dear life. Now I'm stranded in who knows where." thought Kion to himself. "This is just perfect."

Kion didn't know what to do or know where he even was, so he called for his grandfather for advice. "Grandfather Mufasa?" asked Kion. Mufasa suddenly formed from the clouds. "Yes Kion?"

"I don't know where I am, or anything. All of this are new surroundings to me. What should I do?"

"Hmm. First, you should find someone to ask for directions. That is important of course, and then, you should rest. You are still hurt and all.  You have been carried far from the Pride Lands Kion. So far, it would be a multiple day journey to get back."

"Then I must leave at once." said Kion.

"Kion, you are hurt. You cannot go back to the Pride Lands until you are feeling better and stronger. But until then, I'd advise you not to do so much walking. Restore your health, but you must still eat. Only walk when necessary. Don't use up your energy on foolish things."

"Yes, Grandfather Mufasa. How long do you think my healing will take?" asked Kion.

"About three days worth, or maybe even more. It depends on how you use your body in the next couple of days. You don't want to damage your body even more than it is already."

"That makes sense, thanks for the advice, Grandfather Mufasa,"

"Anytime Kion. Anytime. And remember, whenever you need guidance or counseling, I'll be here for you." said Mufasa. Mufasa quickly vanished, and all that remained in the sky were clouds.

"Find someone to ask for advice." said Kion, repeating on what Mufasa had told him. Kion started limping, while walking. "Hello?" asked Kion. "Is there anybody there?" asked Kion. "My name is Kion, and I'm lost. Can you help me?" asked Kion. "This is ridiculous. Who's going to hear you, you're in the middle of nowhere." thought Kion. Kion sat under a tree for shade when he heard this small voice. "I can help you."

"Woah, who said that?" asked Kion. "Me." said the small voice. "Who's me?" asked Kion.

"Up on the branch." said the small voice again. Kion looked up at the branch, and there stood a bright pink and purple bird. "Hello there." said the bird. "Hi." said Kion. He was shocked someone had heard his call. "What's your name?" asked Kion, trying to be friendly. "My name is Nilly, but everyone calls me Nil for short. I hear that you need help, Kion?" asked Nilly. "How do you know my name?!" asked Kion, amazed that she knew his name. "Uhh, because you yelled out your name to me when you were asking for help."

"Oh yeah." thought Kion. Kion could tell he was blushing from embarrassment. "What happened to you? It looks like you just came from a battlefield!" exclaimed Nilly. "No, I was attacked by hyenas." said Kion gritting his teeth. 

"Hyenas! They live here!" exclaimed Nilly. "No, where I live." said Kion. "The only places I know where Hyenas would live, would be right by the Pride Lands. You know, the Outlands." said Nilly. "That's my home!" exclaimed Kion. "What? You live in the Outlands. You're an Outlander?" asked Nilly. "No, I live in the Pride Lands." said Kion. "Oh, I see." said Nilly. "Listen Nilly, I need your help, do you know the directions to get to the Pride Lands from here?" asked Kion. "Of course, I do." I know the directions like the colors on the back of my wings, purple. No wait, pink." said Nilly. Nilly quickly checked to see what color her back wing was. "Oh, it is pink and purple." said Nilly.

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