The Big Relief

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                     After searching for Kion for hours, the animals started getting tired and decided to some sleep. Soon, only the Lion Guard members and the Royal family were looking for him. Zazu kept watching from afar. But eventually, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, and Ono became tired and went back to their homes as well. Simba and Nala soon became tired as well but kept on looking for their son.

"Simba, we should go to bed. We can look for Kion in the morning." said Nala as she yawned. "I'm tired too, Nala." said Simba sadly. "But I'm not stopping until my son is back." said Simba. Nala sighed. "Will you join me?" asked Nala as she was about to head back in. "No, I'm fine. You get some rest." said Simba softly. "Nala went over to Simba and nuzzled him. "I love you." 

"I love you too." replied Simba. Nala started walking back to Pride Rock, but Simba kept searching for him. Eventually, Simba decided to give his body a rest, so he sat down. He looked up at the stars and called for his father. "Dad? Are you there?" asked Simba. Just then, Mufasa's face appeared in the clouds. "I'm here son." said Mufasa. "Dad, I don't know what to do." said Simba. "What has happened that made you feel sad and depressed?" asked Mufasa. "Kion got attacked by hyenas and they killed him." said Simba sniffling. He then started up again. We put him in a cave, because it was about to rain, and the rain would've hit us. The next day went we went back up to fetch for his dead body, he was gone. Nothing was there except for the passion fruit that we broke and placed on his body." told Simba while he was crying. "I can't find Kion anywhere. It's like he disappeared from the map." said Simba tearing up. "My dear Simba, how I hate to see you cry."

"I miss him so much." said Simba. Mufasa looked down at Simba. "Son, what if I told you he is alive?" asked Mufasa. Simba jerked his head up at Mufasa. "Is he alive?" asked Simba. "He is." said Mufasa. "Kion called for me and I gave him advice." said Mufasa. Simba was overjoyed to hear of his son's aliveness. "Where is he? He's injured. I must go and bring him back home." said Simba. "I know where he is, but I'm not telling you." said Mufasa. "You're not?" asked Simba starting to get ticked. Simba felt like he was a hot tea kettle ready to burst. "Kion must return home by himself." said Mufasa calmly. "This is a turning point in his life. He will make friends, enemies, and most of all, he will fall in love." said Mufasa. "Just like how you had your big trip away from home." said Mufasa. "Yeah, most of life I was wondering. Are you saying that Kion is going to be wondering for most of his life too?" asked Simba worryingly. "Only time will tell. You can do nothing of this matter. The only thing you can do is to comfort your loved ones. Tell them of what I have said to you." said Mufasa. "Dad?" asked Simba. "Yes, my son?"

"Please watch over Kion. He is still pretty young." said Simba worryingly. "Of course." said Mufasa. "Remember Simba, if you need to talk or if you need anything, come to me, and I will be with you always." said Mufasa as he disappeared in the clouds. Simba sat there silently and pondered on what his father had told him. "I must tell Nala and Kiara!" exclaimed Simba excitedly. He galloped the rest of the way to Pride Rock. He saw Pride Rock in the distance. He kept running until he made it. "Nala Kiara." whispered Simba as he walked into the den. "Simba? What's going on?" asked Nala. "Yeah dad, what's going on?" asked Kiara. "I talked to my dad, and he revealed that Kion is alive and that he is being watched by him." said Simba. Nala and Kiara both gasped. "No way!" they exclaimed at the same time. Just about then, Kovu woke up. "What's going on?" asked Kovu with a yawn. "Kovu, my brother is alive!" said Kiara excitingly. 
"No way!" said Kovu. "That's amazing." 

"Dad, did Grandfather Mufasa say where he is?" asked Kiara. "Unfortunately, dad said that Kion must face this alone. We can't do anything." said Simba sadly. "Why?" asked Kiara sadly. Kovu licked her face to cheer her up. "Because, when I was younger than him, I also had my own journey. Your Grandfather thinks that it's a good idea for Kion to have his journey. His own adventure." said Simba. At least he is okay." said Kiara. Nala was speechless.  

"Nala, are you okay?" asked Simba. Nala just nodded. She was in utter shock of what he had just told her. Simba nuzzled Nala and laid down by her. "We must be confident and sure that Kion can face this challenge alone." said Simba. Kiara sighed and laid down by Kovu's side. The royal family soon fell asleep. 

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