The Friendly Family

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"Kion?" asked Nilly. "Are you awake?" Kion grunted. "Now I am." said Kion as he yawned. "Whoops, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." said Nilly. Kion tiredly sat up and yawned once again. "How was your night sleep?" asked Nilly. "I surprisingly had a good night seep." said Kion. "I'm glad that you had a good night sleep. Now because you're awake, do you mind if we start journeying back to my home?" asked Nilly. "Of course." said Kion. Kion fully got up and walked outside with Nilly. Once outside, Kion stretched his achy muscles and stretched out his claws. "Ow." said Kion. "I shouldn't've stretched that far. I'm so sore." said Kion. "Sorry to hear that, Kion." said Nilly. "That's okay. Now let's go. I bet your parents are anxious to know where you are." said Kion. "Yeah, we should get going. My parents won't be worried though, they're used to me sleeping somewhere else. I like to journey around these parts." said Nilly. Kion nodded, gesturing to her that he agreed. Nilly and Kion started walking towards her home. During thirty minutes into the journey, Kion started getting really tired. "Hey Nilly, I'm getting really tired. I think my injuries are catching up to me. said Kion. "Don't worry Kion. About the speed you're going, we should be at my home in about a few hours." said Nilly. "Great." said Kion sarcastically. Nilly sighed. The last thing she wanted was him to be mad. They started walking towards Nilly's home.

"Kion?" asked Nilly. "Yeah Nilly?" replied Kion. "What is it like being the leader of the Lion Guard?" asked Kion. "That's a good question. Being a leader isn't always easy. I have to make important decisions and my friends, my family, and the animals are all depending on my leadership role to keep them safe. I can get stressed out here and there, but I love helping animals. I like being the leader of the Lion Guard." replied Kion. 

"That's really cool." said Nilly. "I have another question." said Nilly. "Shoot." said Kion. "How did you discover the Roar of the Elders?" asked Nilly. "That's a good question." said Kion. "One day, when Bunga and I, who is a honey badger and also my best friend, were playing catch with a Baobab. Bunga accidentally threw it into the Elephant's Graveyard. So Bunga went to retrieve it. But the Hyenas got him. I told him to let him go, but they didn't listen to me. So, I roared at the hyenas. But instead of roaring like a normal lion cub would, I roared so loud. That's how I discovered the Roar of the Elders. And the rest is normal. I had to ensemble a Lion Guard Team. I would be the fiercest, Bunga is the Bravest, Fuli is the fastest, Beshte is the Strongest, and Ono is the Keenest in sight.

"Not trying to be rude, in all, but those are some weird names for lions." said Nilly. "Not trying to offend you or any of the lions of course." said Nilly.

"Wow. So, you really don't know about the new Lion Guard." said Kion. "No, is there something different with this Lion Guard?" asked Nilly. "Yeah, when I ensembled the Lion Guard, I appointed different animal species to the role. They're also my best friends."

"Oh, that makes sense. I didn't know that was allowed in the Lion Guard Tree. I thought they had to all be lions."

"Nope. Beshte is a Hippopotamus, Bunga is a Honey Badger, Fuli is a Cheetah, and Ono is an Egret." said Kion. "Wow. That's super cool that you ensembled a team of different species to form the Lion Guard." said Nilly. "Thanks Nilly. My dad wasn't too pleased at first. But then my grandfather, Mufasa came to me."

"Didn't Mufasa die?" asked Nilly. "He did. His brother, Scar killed him." said Kion. "Scar killed his own brother! I never knew that! I don't think anyone in my family knows of this." said Nilly. 'Well, now you do."  said Kion. "Nilly?" asked Kion. "Yes Prin...Kion?" replied Nilly. "You can call me Prince if you like. I don't like to be formal though." said Kion. "Right, sorry. What were you saying?" asked Nilly. "I just wanted to thank you for helping me."

"You're welcome." said Nilly smiling at Kion. 

They both didn't speak until they were ten minutes away. "We're about there." said Nilly striking a conversation. "Great. The sooner we can get to your home, I can rest. My grandfather told me not walk a lot. I know I didn't listen to that rule." said Kion. With every step, Kion was wincing in pain. "Don't worry Kion. Once we're there, you'll be given directions to the Pride Lands, and you'll also be able to rest." said Nilly. "Home" thought Kion. That was the one thing that made him keep walking to Nilly's home. Soon enough, Nilly saw her home. "There it is, Kion. " Said Nilly. Kion grinned and wobbled 20 yards. Soon, Kion and Nilly had reached the entrance to the cave. Right when Kion was about to speak, he heard small voices. "Cousin Nilly!" exclaimed the little bird. "You're back. Aunty said that when you get back, she'd say the big surprise. Hurry up, Cousin." Said Nilly's cousin. "Bertrude, we have company. Go tell everyone to meet me outside. It's important." said Nilly. Bertrude gave Nilly a confused look. Nilly nudged her head to the direction of where Kion was sitting. "A lion..." gasped Bertrude. Kion flashed Bertrude a smile. Bertrude smiled and then flapped her wings and then flew back inside the entrance. 

"She seems nice." said Kion. "Yeah, Bertrude and I always hang out. After her mom died from a hyena, I took the liberty in being there for her. So, in a way, I'm like her mom. Although I'm not married to my uncle." said Nilly. Kion grinned. All of a sudden, Bertrude flew out of the cave entrance, and a bird followed. And another, and another, and another. Soon, a flock of the same birds were perched up on branches and on the ground. Their eyes gazed upon Kion. Then, a bird walked forward. The bird looked a lot like Nilly, but the colors on her wings were darker and the bird looked like he was a male. Kion guessed the bird as her brother or father. "Hey sister, who have you brought here?" asked the brother. "Brother, Mom, dad, aunts, uncles, and cousins, we have a very special guest. He is injured and I invited him to our cave. He's from the Pride Lands. He's lost. He was washed downriver, and I found him lying under a tree."

"Excuse me stranger. May we know your name?" asked a bird that Kion took as Nilly's father. "My name is Kion. I'm part of the Lion Guard and I need to get back to the Pride Lands to tell my family that I am alright." said Kion. All of the birds gasped. Kion heard multiple whispers. 

"The Lion Guard..." muttered the mom. Everyone was silent. Kion thought that he was in trouble. Then, all at once, a cheer rang out. All birds, young and old, were cheering. Kion was very confused on why they were cheering. "Psst, Nilly. Why is your entire family cheering?" asked a confused Kion. "Like I told you, we never thought that we'd see a Lion Guard member. They are the biggest fans." said Nilly grinning. The mom motioned everyone to stop cheering. Everyone cleared a line and watched a very old and frail bird walk towards Kion. Kion guessed that this bird was in charge and the oldest of the flock. "Kion of the Lion Guard, we welcome you to our home." said the leader of the flock.

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