The Terrible News

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When the sun rose above the Pride Lands, Simba, Kovu, and the other lions started walking back to the cave. "Hey Simba?" asked Kovu. "Yeah Kovu?"

"I'm sorry for your loss, I know that he meant a lot to you." said Kovu. "Thanks, Kovu. That's really nice of you." said Simba. "Kion was such a rambunctious lion. I just wish I had more time to spend with him. I barely got to spend time with him, because he and I were always super busy."

"If you need to talk, I'm here." said Kovu. "Thanks." said Simba. The rest of the lions didn't dare speak a word to Simba, for they didn't want to get on the bad side of Simba. They walked the rest of the way in silent. When they reached the cave, Simba looked in the cave, and noticed that Kion wasn't there. "Kion is missing!" yelled Simba. "Kovu!" said Simba frantically. Kovu walked over to Kion's resting place, and all that was there was passion fruit. "That's impossible." said Kovu. "I know." said Simba in shock. "Who would do this? Who would take my Kion?" asked Simba in distraught. Everyone thought the same thought. The Hyenas. "Janja, and his gang must have taken him." said Simba baring his teeth. "Would Janja and his hyenas actually take the King's son? They fear you too much to do something extreme like this." said Kovu. Simba was full of anger and was depressed. "Kovu, I'm going back to Pride Rock, and tell of the situation that has happened." said Simba. "Of course." said Kovu. Simba started giving out orders. "We're going to try to find my son's body. You two will check the mountains. You three, will take all of the rivers and any water ways here. Kovu, you will take two lions and you will check the borders of the Outlands." Kovu and the lions nodded their heads at Simba's command and went to the direction they were directed to. "Why me?" thought Simba. "First my son dies, and then his body is stolen."  thought Simba while he started running back to Pride Rock. When Pride Rock was insight. Simba yelled to Nala. "Nala!" exclaimed Simba. "Someone has taken Kion's body!" shouted Simba. "What!?" exclaimed Nala frantically. "Kiara, ladies, come quick. Kion's body has been stolen! We must find it before it is too late!  We must not let the hyenas take his body." said Nala. "Not Kion!" exclaimed Timon. "Come on Pumbaa!" said Timon. All of the lioness started running down Pride Rock, followed by Timon and Pumbaa, and started following Simba to the direction. Running side by side, Simba and Nala were thinking of a plan. "Nala, two lions are with Kovu, taking the Outlands, while as three lions are checking the water ways. Let's put two lionesses to the Grass Plains and Kiara and the rest of the lionesses will ask all of the animals in the Pride Lands if they saw anything, while as Kovu and his group is interrogating the Outlanders. Timon and Pumbaa can ask our friends to help search for Kion."

"Good plan Simba." said Nala. Simba could tell Nala was worried sick. "Everything will be fine." said Simba reassuringly, although deep down, he wasn't too sure of himself. Nala and Simba gave the orders to the lionesses, Kiara, and Timon and Pumbaa. The lionesses nodded their heads in agreement and left hastily after the commands were told. "You got this," said Simba to Kiara. "I just can't believe someone would do this." said Kiara sadly. "I'll be back with hopefully good news." said Kiara. Simba and Nala both hugged their daughter, before they parted ways. "Don't worry Simba, you can count on us to get help." chimed Timon. "Yup." said Pumbaa. "Come on big guy, let's get Rafiki and tell the Lion Guard about the situation." said Timon. Timon quickly jumped on Pumbaa's back and started trotting to their friends to ask for help. Once they were out of sight, Simba and Nala started walking back to Pride Rock. "I want to help with the search." said Nala depressed. "Nala, as much as we want to help with the search, we need to attend our duties."

"I know Simba. I just wish we could help more." explained Nala sadly. "I feel like we're not doing our best job in helping find Kion." said Nala sadly. "I know how you feel Nala. I really want to help too, but we have responsibilities we need to carry out as Queen and King of the Pride Lands. Once our royal duties are attended too, then you and I will join in the search." said Simba reassuringly. Nala just gave him a sarcastic smirk. Simba and Nala walked side by side, quietly. They didn't speak the time after.

Meanwhile. Timon and Pumbaa was riding to Rafiki's tree. "Rafiki, come quick! Kion's body has been stolen!" shouted Timon. "Oh no!" thought Rafiki. "Tell Simba and Nala I am on my way!" shouted Rafiki back. "Okay." shouted Timon. He and Pumbaa quickly left Rafiki, to got to try to find the Lion Guard.

Meanwhile, Fuli was in charge of the Lion Guard. "Come on guys, we need to keep going." said Fuli. The entire members of the Lion Guard were too depressed to work, including Fuli. "I know that this is a hard time for all of us, but we need to keep doing our job. It is our responsibility to keep the Pride Lands safe." said Fuli. "I know Fuli, it's just that, we can work physically and emotionally." said Ono. "I know Ono, I know." said Fuli with a sigh. Fuli looked at Bunga, who was sitting on a log. "Bunga, are you alright?" asked Fuli. "What do you think!?" said Bunga meanly. "My best friend just died, and you're like, moving on, like it's no big deal to you that Kion is dead! Dead! did you hear me? He finished his journey in the Circle of Life."

"Bunga, I never..."

"I'm sorry Fuli. I didn't mean to snap at you like that. I'm just hurting that's all." said Bunga sadly. "Oh Bunga." said Fuli. She walked towards Bunga and gave him a hug. "We're all hurting Bunga. Every single one of us." said Fuli. There was silence, between the Lion Guard. "Fuli... I realized something." said Bunga sadly. "What?" asked Fuli. If we hadn't gotten stuck on the ledge and if we didn't even play catch, this never would've happened. Kion would still be alive right now. He died saving us." said Bunga. "It's... My fault that Kion is... Dead." said Bunga, now on the verge of crying. Fuli and the rest of the Lion Guard walked towards Bunga and hugged him. They all hugged each other.

"Thanks guys, I guess I needed it." said Bunga sniffing a little bit, while wiping his tears. "We all needed that." chimed in Fuli. The rest of the Lion Guard nodded their heads in agreement. "We sure did." said Ono. "But if feels good to know that you have someone to lean on." said Beshte. Then they all heard a weird yelling noise. They looked up and saw Timon and Pumbaa frantically running towards them. "What's wrong guys?" asked Ono. "It's Kion. His body has been stolen." said Timon. They all gasped in shock and in disbelief. "Hurry, Simba wants you guys to stop whatever you are doing and try to help find Kion's body." 

"Of course, Timon. Tell Simba we're on the way." said Fuli. "Got it." said Timon. Timon and Pumbaa quickly left to tell other animals of the news. The Lion Guard quickly ran to help search for Kion's body. "No one is taking my best friend's body. That is just wrong!" exclaimed Bunga. "I agree with you Little B." said Beshte. They ran as fast as possible to go help with the search. 

Little did they know that Kion was not dead but was just lost and very injured.

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