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Everything in the Pridelands was swell. The birds were singing, the antelopes were grazing, everything was calm. Everyone in the Pridelands was happy. All except one lion named Kion. Kion was sitting at the cliff of Pride Rock, overlooking the horizon and the land. He was so depressed, that he didn't hear his best friend, Bunga, calling his name.

"Kion? KION!" shouted Bunga. "Huh, oh hey Bunga."

"What were you doing?" asked Bunga. "Well, I was thinking..."

"Okay that's nice," said Bunga, "Do you want to play catch with me and Fuli?" Kion sighed. Bunga was Kion's best friend, but Bunga hasn't been listening to him recently. 

"Uh, maybe some other time." said Kion. "Oh, come on Kion, What do  you have to lose? You know that you'll enjoy it."

"I know I'll enjoy it. That's not the point."

"Then what is the point?"

"The point is that I just don't feel like playing catch today." said Kion. "Your loss. We'll be over by the Elephant Graveyard."

"Okay, and Bunga." 

"Yeah Kion?"

"Make sure you don't go in the Elephant Graveyard."

"I know, I know. Bye Kion. Come join us if you change your mind." said Bunga. Bunga jumped of the rock, and shouted, "Zuka Zama!"

Kion couldn't help but smile at Bunga. He started to look at the horizon again, when he heard his Father calling him. "Kion, what are you doing?" asked Simba. "Oh, hi Dad. Nothin' much."

"I can tell. You've been in that spot all morning. What wrong?" asked Simba worryingly. 

"Nothing." Said Kion. He lied. So many things have been going on in his head lately. "Come on Kion. I know something is wrong when I see it. What's bothering you so much that you've been sitting on that spot in that exact position all day?"

Kion sighed.

"Well, I was just thinking, I'm 15 now."

"I know that." said Simba. "And well, I... Well, I don't know how to put this, but... Well..."

Kion was cut off when he heard Timon call for Simba. "Simba! Simba!"

"What is it Timon?" asked Simba. "Well, you see here, I was with Pumbaa eating bugs under a dead tree by the Elephant Graveyard, when we noticed Bunga and Fuli playing catch. And well,..."

"Get on with it!" said Kion. "Kion, that's no way to talk somebody, apologize."

"Sorry Timon. I'm just anxious to hear what happened."

"Go on Timon." said Simba.

"Well, I saw them playing catch near the Elephant Graveyard too. So, when I was eating grubs, I look up where they were playing, and, by the way, did you know that Fuli can shoot the ball like a missile. Insane."

"Getting off track here Timon," said Kion.

"Sorry right. So, when I looked up again to watch them pass the ball, they were gone. So Pumbaa and I went to where they were. It turns out that the ground slid down the cliff, and Bunga and Fuli are now in the Elephant Graveyard. Fuli got knocked out, and Bunga was telling me to get you. They're stuck on a steep cliff. If they move too much, the cliff with break because it is very week. They could die from that height. There are no signs of the hyenas but still, we need to go rescue them!"

"Thanks, Timon. Show me where they are." said Kion. "Got it Kion" Said Timon. 

"Sorry dad, we can talk about it later, is that okay with you."

"That's fine. Now go save your friends."

"Timon, get on my back and hold on, I'm going to go fast. Just give me the direction where they are."

"Got it Kion." said Timon while he climbed on Kion's back."

Kion bolted like a leopard to reach his friends. So many things have happened in the past with the Elephant Graveyard. He didn't want anything to happen to his friends. "Turn right here," shouted Timon in Kion's ear. "Got it," said Kion. "Hold on guys," thought Kion. "I'm Coming."

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