A Hundred Percent Chance of Rain and Pain

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Kion was in the cave, when he was awoken from the noise of thunder. "What the???" thought Kion. "Where am I?" thought Kion. "Why on Pride Rock am I covered in Passion Fruit?" He tried to remember what happened to him. "Fuli...the Hyenas...Then I saw my family look down on me. They were... crying?" thought Kion. "Hevi Kabisa!" thought Kion. Kion remembered what had happened to him. Kion tried to get up, but the pain was hurting him too much to move. Struggling, Kion kept trying to get up, but he physically couldn't. Kion was traumatized with the past, and he knew that his whole family was mourning of his "death"

Kion whimpered in pain, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to survive on his own. All of the scratches on his body, started stinging all at once. His body was in agony. Kion knew that he had to move, and he didn't know how long he has been in the cave for. "I'm parched, I need water." thought Kion. Kion's stomach started rumbling like a herd of zebras stampeding. 

Kion winced in pain, trying to get up off the ground. "Come on Kion, you can do it!" said Kion to himself. Kion managed to stand, after a couple of attempts. "Hevi Kabisa!" exclaimed Kion. "I did it!" Kion tried to take a step, but his legs failed on him, and he landed with a loud thud. "Ow, my stomach." said Kion. Kion knew he wouldn't be able to walk for a while. Kion thought it was impossible to move. "Father Mufasa?" asked Kion. "Are you there?" asked Kion with a raspy voice. All of a sudden, the wind started picking up, and a gust of wind lifted up Kion, and carried him outside of the cave, and set him down on the ground. The winds helped Kion stand. Then the rain stopped, all abruptly. "Grandfather? Are you doing this?" asked Kion with fear. "Yes Kion, it is me." said Mufasa in a loud voice. "Why have you called for me Kion?" asked Mufasa. "I'm injured Grandfather, and I don't know what to do." said Kion, with tears in his eyes.

"My dear Kion, I see that you have been hurt." said Mufasa.

"Why didn't you protect me? I thought you said you'd be there for me?" asked Kion while crying in pain."

"My dear Kion, I told you I'd be there for you when you need my advice. I can only do too much with the state I'm in. I can only form out of clouds and stop the weather. I can't change time. Please don't cry Kion. You are the bravest lion I've ever known."

"It hurts Grandfather, I don't know what to do. I'm in pain and my whole body is swelling, and I can't think clearly. I feel like I'm going to die." said Kion, choking his words up, while crying. 

"Kion, I will look after you, you will not die." said Mufasa. "Please don't think about that ever." said Mufasa.  "Please help me." cried Kion. "My body is in agony. I don't know what I should do."

"I do not know what the future has in stored of you, but I will tell you this. It will get better. I promise. Don't give up Kion. For the River is a path, if you ride the river, you will find yourself."

"Grandfather Mufasa?" asked Kion. "Yes Kion?"

"Could you carry me to a river? I need a drink. I'm parched." said Kion. "Of course, Kion" said Mufasa. Kion was afloat once again, and he hovered off the ground, to the river. When he got to the river, Mufasa put Kion down by the water, at tongues reach. The river's current was stronger than normal. "Thank you, Grandfather Mufasa." said Kion. Mufasa nodded. "Kion, your injuries will be healed eventually, but until then, you must rest. Or you can make the injury worse." Kion smiled at Mufasa.

"Thanks, Grandfather Mufasa." said Kion. "Be safe my dear Kion." said Mufasa before returning to the clouds. Kion started lapping up water, it was very cold. His nose felt cool, and he kept drinking water, until his stomach was full. Once he was done, he laid down on the dirt. The rain started again, making Kion soaking wet. Although Kion didn't mind. He was just happy that he was able to drink water. Energy started building up, and soon, Kion was able to stand up and walk a couple steps before falling. Kion had thought of what Mufasa had told him. "The river is a path, and I must ride it to find myself. That doesn't make sense." thought Kion. Kion looked at the river and saw his reflection. 

"I wonder if he meant to look into myself?" thought Kion. Kion leaned in closer to see the reflection of himself better. He saw himself. I don't know what you mean Grandfather Mufasa." Then all at once, Kion accidentally slips, on a slippery rock, and was plunged into the icy-cold river water. Kion was too weak, and was freezing, so he couldn't fight the current. "Help!" exclaimed Kion. Kion tried to preserve his energy, but he couldn't. The current was going too fast. The water kept splashing on Kion's face, which made Kion extra cold. He kept ramming into rocks, and he could feel his body ache once more with pain. "Help!" shouted Kion. But no one heard Kion's scream for help. The strong River currents carried Kion all the way out of the Pride Lands. Kion felt like the river is never ending. He was terrified. He was cold, wet, hungry once again, tired, weak, and was fearing for his life. But up ahead, he saw a tree log, coming his way. "If I can get to the log, I'll be able to hold onto it!" thought Kion. So that's what he did. He tried swimming to the log, but the currents were dragging him and the log at the same pace. Kion kept trying, but he just couldn't do it. Kion was about to give up trying to reach the log when he saw an overhanging branch. Kion quickly used his paw and dug his nail into the branch.
"It worked!" thought Kion to himself. The currents were still strong, that Kion was being pulled by the river, but Kion stood firm. He wouldn't let go of that branch until the log was there. Luckily for Kion, the log didn't take that long to reach him. When Kion was a jump away from getting the tree log, he let go of the overhanging tree branch and landed on the log. It had a few branches still on the tree that he used to his advantage. Kion held on, to the branch on the log, while being rushed from the river currents. "Help!" yelled Kion again. But no animal heard Kion's disturbance call. So, Kion had to hold on the entire log ride, until the current was slow enough to cross, so he would be able to get to land. Eventually, Kion fell asleep. Kion wrapped his arms and legs on branches, and he entwined his tail with a branch.  After about 45 minutes of riding a log while sleeping, the rain stopped, and the currents started to loosen up a bit. Kion could feel the current was slowing down, so he awoke from his nap. It was happening, the river currents were finally slowing down after a while, and he was ecstatic. "Land, here I come." said Kion. After about 5 minutes later, the currents stopped completely, and he was able to easily swim to shore. Once he got on shore, he went under a tree and fell asleep from exhaustion, that the early morning day had brought him.

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