A Night of Memories

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Simba was sitting on the edge of Pride Rock, thinking of Kion. "Simba?" asked Nala. "Nala? I thought you were asleep." said Simba. "Do you think I can sleep knowing that my son just died?" asked Nala. "No, I guess not." said Simba. Nala sat by him. "I can't believe he's gone." Nala quietly wept on Simba's shoulder. "Oh Simba, we didn't have enough time with him. We barely hung out with him. We never got to spend time with him. We were always busy doing royal stuff, and Kion was always patrolling the Pride Lands"
"I know, Nala, I know." Said Simba. Simba nuzzled Nala.

Meanwhile, Kiara and Kovu went for a walk. Kiara had barely spoken a single word after the devastating news. "Kiara, I know you are hurting, you wanna' talk about it?" Kovu asked. Kiara didn't answer. They walked until they reached the Watering Hole. They sat down, and was reflecting on what the day had brought them. "Kovu?" asked Kiara. "Yeah Kiara?"
"I could've sworn I saw Kion twitch his whiskers just the smallest bit." said Kiara. "I know you're hurting, and when someone important dies, it's a lot to take in."
"I know where you are going from, but I still think he's alive. I know my brother, he can survive anything. I shouldn't tell you this, but I don't think Kion would mind." said Kiara smirking. "What? What is it?" asked Kovu. "Well," explained Kiara. "When Kion and I were young, Kion wanted to play tag so bad, so we played tag, And why'll we're playing, Kion accidentally got stuck."


"Well, you see here. I was chasing him, he was looking at me, not what was in front of him. So when he turned his head again to see where he was going, he smashed into a hole in a cliff. Half of his body was in and half of his body was out. He looked so ridiculous. I couldn't help but laugh at Kion. He was fuming mad for a couple of seconds, and then he started laughing with me. It was hilarious. It took 2 whole days to get him out of that whole. He had to skim down in size, if you know what I mean."

"What! You starved Kion!"

"Well, it was my dad's idea. I left Kion to tell our parents. When I told them the story, Dad just started laughing like nuts. It was so funny. My mom on the other hand, was not too pleased with the idea her son was stuck in a hole. So they rushed to help Kion. Dad was laughing the entire way, thinking of how silly Kion is going to be, and my mom was just frowning at my dad's quote on quote, Immaturity. So when we got there, and my mom saw Kion stuck in the tree, she couldn't help but laugh with us. Oh what a sight. And Kion's response was perfect. Guess what he said." said Kiara.

"Uh. Hi mom and dad? What?"

"He said, "Now because you're done laughing at me and staring at my butt, can you get me out?" Kiara couldn't contain her laughter. "It was so funny! He looked ridiculous. We tried tugging him out, but that didn't work, we put honey on Kion's side and tried to slide him out that way, but that didn't work. So in the end, we agreed, Including Kion, that we had to wait for a couple of days to slim him down. We would still feed him, just very little. And we did give him water. So, we didn't starve, starve him. But you get the point." Kovu nodded. "But during the couple of days he was stuck, I didn't leave his side. I cracked jokes with him and we just talked about sibling stuff. He was super brave, he wasn't mad at the situation, he was calm the entire time. He even said that it was cozy in there. Soon enough, he was able to slide out of the hole with a little help from my parents." Kiara smiled. "And do you know what he said to me when he finally got out? It was so sweet!"

"No, what?"

"He said, I'm glad I got stuck, because I wouldn't have been able to talk to you and to get to know you better. I had a fun time hanging out, That's what he sad. I was touched. Kion knows the right words at the right time."
Kiara smiled at the thought. Kovu was glad to see Kiara smiling again. He hated it when she didn't smile. Kovu smiled as well. "That was really funny, Kiara."

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