Chapter 5

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Dad heard that Michael was trying to get on a show but he has a lot of connections and was able to deny him from going on the Good Morning Sunshine show or any other show.

Michael thinks that this is a game, the public won't take us seriously at this point, we can't be going on shows hitting each other with shots.

His family released a statement to the press and I went on a talk show to tell my side of the story let it end there.

Dad told me that he has something important to tell me and I should follow him to his office, we got to his office and I sat down.

"What I'm about to show you has to stay between us." Dad said looking very serious "Promise me Emily." Why is he being so serious. "I promise Dad."

Dad took out an envelope from his safe and opened it. He placed the pictures on the table. What I saw made me place my hand over my mouth.

Michael's Dad was standing with someone and behind them were children and women being taken out of the containers.

I feel like I'm going to be sick. "This is how Martin was able to become so successful. I've been investigating him for three years. He recently made a deal with this man named Jaxon." Dad said pointing at the man. "So he won't go bankrupt."

"I don't know where he finds these children but we have to stop him. This man wants Twenty containers filled with young and untouched children." Oh my God. "He has three days left and we going to make sure that the container don't reach Belarus because that's where they supposed to go.

"Jaxon is part of the mafia and his the leader, a very good friend of mine has been after him for some time so I tipped him off. Once Martin is arrested all of this information will be released to the public." Why are humans so disgusting.

"I didn't want to tell you this but you have a right to know. Dad said walking around his table to sit next to me.

"Michael isn't the man his been showing for the past few years. His involved in trafficking women and children and in buying, raping and killing them." I ran into the office bathroom and vomited into the toilet while Dad held my hair up for me.

After I was done Dad helped me up. I rinsed my mouth. "I hope his also going to jail or even dying, they don't deserve to live. They have destroyed so many children and woman's lives."

"Don't worry Emily he's going to get what he deserves." Dad said hugging me.

The following day everything was on the news all the girls that were in the containers were rescued and Martin was arrested along with Jaxon. The Owen family is gone bankrupt all their employees lost their job it's no longer a business. But Michael is missing.

I decided to go back to work Dad was a little skeptical about it but I convinced him. I was currently in the lobby and a man dressed in black approached me, he had a black cap on and shades to cover his face.

"Emily I need your help." He said holding my shoulders. "What the hell Michael get your hands off me." I said pushing him away.

"Emily the Mafia is after me they blame my Dad for Jaxon being arrested, I know your Dad did this." He said holding my wrist very tightly. "Michael let go of me you hurting me." I said trying to move his hands.

He let go of me. "Why the fuck would I help you, after everything you did to me. Go ask Jersey for help because you not getting any here, now leave before I call the police.

"Emily come on they going to kill me I have to get out of this country." He says pleading with me. "Maybe they should after everything you did behind closed doors I think it's a good idea. Now that I think about it I don't know you Michael you were showing me the fake you this whole time." Michael was shocked that I knew about his secret.

"Now leave you disgust me, people like you don't deserve to live." I say walking past him and entering the building.

Everyone greeted me and welcomed me back. I was busy working on a document when my PA told me Jersey was making a scene and screaming at the reception lady. I took the elevator with my bodyguards.

What does she want now. "Jersey what the hell do you want." I said folding my arms. "You fucking bitch you ruined everything what did you do to Michael, why can't you leave us alone Emily!" She said walking towards me.

"You know I purposely didn't tell you that Michael was cheating on you, I chose the perfect moment to do it which was your honeymoon. And I'm sure I destroyed that moment." She says smirking.

My bodyguard pushed her back. "Jersey for once can you stop being so delusional, and move on with your life, I have nothing to do with Michael that chapter of my life is closed and so is our friendship, so I don't care what you did when we were still friends. By the way Michael isn't who he says he is."

"What makes you say that?" She asks nervously. "Don't worry you'll find out soon." I say smirking. "Please take out the trash." I say to the security and walk away. "Let go of me!, don't you walk away from me Emily I'm still talking to you." Jersey said screaming.

I'm so done with both of them, it's time I started a new chapter in my life. Everything that happened is now in the past and I deserve to be happy, I deserve to find someone who will love me and treat me right, someone who will cherish and look after my heart.

I'm not going to deny myself that like I have before. I've always been too hard on myself. I allowed people to belittle me and make me feel worthless that Emily is long gone.

Nobody deserves to be cheated on but that doesn't mean my life is over, I can always start again. It may take time but I won't deny myself happiness, who knows I might meet a man who's obsessed with me but in a good way. So here's to new beginnings.


Here's to a new chapter for Emily 🥂

Are guys ready for this new chapter in Emily's life it's about to get crazy.

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