Chapter 4

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A few days after getting home Dad said it would be a good idea if I went on a show and told the world my side of the story.

Today was the day I told the world what exactly happened. In a few minutes, I will be going on a talk show hosted by a close family friend  Scarlett, and she'll make me feel comfortable unlike other shows that ask inappropriate questions.

At the moment I was backstage and I had a glam team working on my hair and makeup. My family is here with me, Mum told me to be myself and tell the world what is in my heart.

I was ready to go I saw Scarlett approaching me. "It's so good to see you Emily." She says hugging me. "It's good to see you too." I say smiling. "How are you feeling?" She asked holding my hands.

"I'm kind of nervous." I say looking down."Don't be nervous you got this, there's nothing you should be afraid of you did nothing wrong, just tell the world your truth." She says holding my shoulders.

"Thank you so much Scarlett." I say hugging her. "Just take a deep breath we going live soon. The cameras start rolling Scarlett is sitting on the couch greeting everyone.

"Good evening everyone welcome to Scarlett's All Talk Show, today I have a surprise a special guest will be joining us. This woman has been through a lot and so many atrocious things have been said about her and today she's here to tell her side of the story, everybody please welcome Emily Davis."

I walked onto the set the audience clamped their hands well not everybody. I hugged Scarlett and sat on the couch facing her. "Thank you for being here today Emily." She says. "Thank you for having me."

"You have been through a lot over the past few months and you are here to speak your truth and we are all here to listen." She says looking at the audience then back to me.

"Yes I have been through a lot over the past few months this period in my life has been one of the toughest but having my family with me has made things better."

"A lot of accusations have been thrown at me and today I'm here to clear my name. First things first I never cheated on Michael, I'm not that type of person. Once I'm in a relationship I'm fully committed. And people are too quick to judge before they fully know the true."

"So everything happened on our honeymoon night, when we arrived in Buenos Aires I got a phone call from my ex-best friend Jersey."

"She told me that Michael has been cheating on me for half of our relationship and she didn't tell me before the wedding because she didn't want to ruin our friendship." The audience was shocked.

"She also didn't tell me because he was cheating on me with her." The audience gasped, people were shaking their heads. "What the Owen family said is not true I didn't meet up with my lover, I left that night because I couldn't spend another minute with Michael."

"After I left I couldn't go back home in the state I was in, I didn't know what to do, so I went to the Maldives. After I left Jersey flew to Buenos Aires as you can see on the screen which proves that they are lovers. She even told me that she loves Michael."

"I was watching the news when I heard the statement from the Owen family and I went straight home. Michael twisted everything to make me look like a bad person. This damaged my character in other peoples eyes and it goes against the morals that I stand for."

"I got death threats from so many people on social media that my small sister had to deactivate my Instagram.

I've been called every name in the book because of him. He took advantage of me, because he knew that my heart was too broken to go back home.". 

"You can believe me or not but this is true and I won't let Michael and his family ruin my reputation, when it's their son that's in the wrong but I do have one thing to say to Michael and his family." looking at the camera. "If you watching Michael, just know that you not getting away  with this you will pay for what you've done."

"I know this wasn't easy Emily but you are such a strong woman and just know  that we are all proud of you I'm sure family is too, you didn't deserve what happened to you and I'm glad you came on the show and said your truth."

"Everybody give it up for Emily Davis." The audience gave me a standing ovation, which made me smile. I felt so good after the show. We had dinner with Scarlett before we went home.

When we got home I activated my Instagram. "Emily did you see that you trending on Twitter." Mai said showing me. "People are defending you and they calling Michael names. they are shocked about how he lied through his teeth, but you still have those that have no brains defending him imagine."

"It's fine Mia as long as the world knows my side of the story." I say brushing her shoulder. "Don't get so worked up." I say laughing. "Okay but I'm blocking anyone that says mean things.

Michael's POV

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Michael's POV

I was watching the show, and I can't believe Emily went on Scarlett's show and told everyone everything and now it's trending every where Well, it's my word against hers. I can also go on a talk show and show everyone how broken I am.

I'll make her look so crazy, I'll even tell them she took drugs when she was younger which is true, it was so bad that she had to go to rehab. Emily is getting herself into something bigger than the both of us. I'm not afraid to kill her if I must I will.

I made a few calls and tomorrow I'll be on  The Good morning Sunshine show, hosted by  Rebecca Wilson. She hates Emily for some reason. She's the perfect person who can help me add more fuel to the fire I've spread. 

End of POV

Jersey's POV

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Jersey's POV

After watching the show yesterday I've been getting so much hate on social media, my parents are not happy with me but I don't care.

Michael said I must ignore everything and not respond to any question asked. Emily is such a hypocrite I was there for her, we were best friends for so many year's and she has the nerve to end our friendship over a man.

What frustrates me even more is that she revealed my Identity. I would never do that to her. Why can she just accept that I'm good enough for Michael and she never was, we could have all moved on with our lives then having so much drama Emily should have  stayed quite.

End of POV


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