Chapter 12

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We have been so busy this whole week, they finally started building I can't wait to see how it turns out. Today is a Saturday which means no work.

It's early in the morning I was having breakfast in my room Nick went out to go do something he said he would be back soon.

I called Mia to see how she's doing. "Heyy Mia." I said then drank a sip of my orange juice. "Emily you won't believe what happened to me." She said sounding so hurt and disgusted.

"What happened tell me." I said putting her on loud speaker so I could wipe my hands. "Lucy's boyfriend made a move on me at khloe's party can you imagine." She said in horror.

"No he didn't." I said walking out to the balcony looking at the beach. "I kicked him in the balls and ran to tell Lucy, thank God we close so she believed me."

"Wait you went to a party, when was this?" I asked shocked. "Last night everyone at school was there, and you know how bad I feel. She broke up with him but I'm glad she did he's an idiot."

"You don't have to feel bad, did he touch you in any way or make you feel uncomfortable?" I asked getting annoyed. "He just touched my arm and was getting to close to my face and smelled so bad the alcohol at that party was something else people were doing to much."

"I hope you didn't have any alcohol Mia." I said being serious. "I didn't, I listen to you okay." She said making me laugh.

"You can drink as soon as you turn 18 when I'm around only." I said walking up and down. "Really." She said excited. "Why are you so exited I tink I changed my mind."

"Emily stop playing with me, I'll call you later on I have to finish this English eassy." Eassys the worst thing to do. "Good luck with that love you." Love you too. She said then dropped the phone.

I took a shower before eating breakfast now I'm getting ready, I wore my jean short and a white baggy t-shirt. I went downstairs.

I was sitting in the sitting room busy scrolling through Instagram when Nick walked in with a women who was very beautiful, I looked down to  my phone then looked at Nick and the lady that was following him she had a bright smile on her face for some reason, I had this feeling in my heart why is he with another women.

"Hey Emily this is my sister Elena." He said sitting next to me. Oh it's his sister. I stood up. "It's nice to finally meet you Elena. " I said smiling at her.

"It's nice to meet you too Emily I've heard a lot things about you, my brother here won't stop talking about you." She said smirking at Nick.

I looked at Nick and laughed he's cheeks went red out of embarrassment. "Well I leave you two to get to know each other, I'll be in my office." He said getting up walking out of the sitting room.

"Have you went out ever since you came here Emily?" She asked putting her clutch on the coffe table. "Actually I have but it was for work only." She had this look of disapproval on her face. "We have to change that, why is my brother holding you captive in this mansion?"

"I'm taking you out." She said grabbing my hand making me stand. "It's a Saturday for crying out loud, you know his a workaholic and now he wants to turn you into one not on my watch."

Elena is amazing it's been a while since I had someone like her around me, she feels like an old friend. After everything that happened I haven't had anyone that I could call a friend but after going out with Elena we connected.

We ended up talking about relationships and she didn't know what happened to me so I told her.

"I can't believe that happen." She said stopping at a red light. "Yeah and till today people think it was me who cheated and I feel like it's never going to leave me." I said looking down at my hands.

"Cheer up Emily, you'll find someone who truly loves you and all this feeling will disappear who cares what other people think. As long as the people you love believe in you that only matters." I smiled at her trying to keep the tears in my eyes from flowing.

We got to the house and Nick was in the kitchen. "Where did you guys go?" He asked standing up. "Calm down we just went out to get some air, why are you keeping Emily locked up in this mansion, there's so many things you guys can do Nick." She said placing her hand on her hip.

"I'm not Emily, if you want to do anything feel free to tell Jeremy my butler he will take you anywhere, I don't go out that much when I'm not working." He said looking at me.

"It's cool." I said laughing. Elena and I went up to my room to watch a movie. She decided to spend the night which was such a good idea we had so much fun annoying Nick.

Elena is the sweetest person, she's so kind and honest she's not judgmental I wish people could be like that. They say the most horrible things without thinking how it will affect someone else.

Till today I get hated on, I'm the discussion in talk shows and on social media, they make me look like a bad person even though I proved my innocents. Because of my family and people like Elena I was able to ignore what people say or think about me.

I won't lie it was hard for me, I don't think I would be still alive if I didn't have my family. I know killing yourself doesn't fix things but people can push you to reach that point.

Every time I talk about what happened all those feelings came back and I'm back to squre one. Will I ever heal form this.


I'll be updating more

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