Chapter 13

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It's the second week I'm in Hawaii and there's still a lot of work to be done, Nick and I were currently in a meeting with the interior designing team and choosing what look we want for the hotel.

I was flipping the page when my bottle of water fell, I was about to pick it up when Nick did. "Thanks." He want back to focusing on the paper he was looking at.

After a few hours the meeting was finally over but we still had work to do at his office. Nick got me my own office but most of the time I'm in his, he says it's better if we work in the same space.

After the meeting I went to my office I was sitting on the couch relaxing. It was luch time. Someone knocked. "Come in." I said sitting up. "Emily come have lunch with me." He said coming in and closing the door.

"Are we eating in or going out?" I asked because I'm exhausted. "Eating out the place is not to far from here.

I'm so tired, but this is Nick we talking about he asked me to have lunch with him why on earth would I say no. I sighted closing my eyes.

"Come on lazy pants, I'm hungry." He said grabbing my arm helping me to stand. "Did you just call me lazy
pants." I said laughing.

"Yes because you are." He said opening the door waiting for me to come out. "Women get excited when they hear anything concerning food, your reaction is different." He said as we walked to the elevator.

"Trust me I get excited I'm just really tired." I said entering the elevator. "Maybe you need a massage." He said leaning against the elevator.

"That would be wonderful." I said smiling. "I'll give you one when we get home, I'm really good with my hands." Did I just hear him right, I cleared my throat and looked forward trying to avoid eye contact.

Nick came closer as I moved back. "Are you okay Emily you look red." Shit I'm blushing like crazy. "Ahmmm I'm fine it's just a bit hot in here." I said unbuttoning my shirt.

He placed the back of his hand on my forehead. "You temperature seens perfectly fine." He said smiling at me. The elevator opened saving me. I went under his arm to escape and ran out of the elevator.

Nicholas POV

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Nicholas POV

I watched her as she ran out of the elevator, it's so fun teasing her. She can't hide how much I affect her. I put my hands in my pockets a followed her.

Emily is great to work with, she's a professional which makes everything easy, so far everything is going well. As for our relationship I think it's going well too but I feel like she's still holding back, not letting me in and I understand her relationship in the past was bad and she's not ready to let people in.

I saw everything the happened between her and her ex-husband what he did to her was horrible I won't mention in until she does.
I opened the door for her then got in.

"You driving?" She asked buckling up. "Yes it's not that far." We got to the restaurant and the waiter led us to the private room. I pulled out her chair she sat down then I sat down.

"You can order anything you want." I said as the waiter walked in with the menu. "I'm in the mood of having a Burger and fries." Emily said looking at me. "It's been a while since I had that." She said closing the menu and handing it to the waiter. "I'll have the same, and can we have two Cokes." I said giving the menu.

"I see you and Elena are getting along quite well for meeting for the first time." I said as the waiter puts our food on the table. "Thank you." I said Emily starts eating her fries. "Yeah we just clicked, I'm gald we friends she's amazing." I looked at her and she was genuinely happy.

"Do you have other friends?" I asked then took a bite of my burger. "I use to have a best friend but she slept with my ex husband after that I didn't make any other friends but now I have Elena." She said smiling.

"I'm sorry for bringing that up, I didn't mean to spoil your mood." She looked down and took a deep breath. "No it's fine you didn't spoil my mood, do you... know everything that happened?" She asked trying to avoid my eyes. "Yeah it was everywhere, I'm sorry you went through that Emily."

Her eyes became glossy. "Thanks but it's fine." She said smiling but I could see the sadness in her eyes. I defiantly spoiled her mood. The rest of the lunch was silent not the awkward silent. I payed and we went back to the office.

I had a meeting, Emily went to her office to work. I was waiting in my office when Natalie walked in wearing a red suit with her blonde her in a ponytail, she loved wearing red lipstick. What the hell does she want.

"Not happy to see me baby." She said closing the door and walking towards me. "Why the hell are you here, didn't I tell you not to come to my office." I said standing up. "Come on Nick it's been a while since I saw you, I've been in Paris this whole time, I miss you." She said placing her hands on my chest.

"Let's have dinner tonight and I'll show how much I missed you." She said kissing my cheek. I moved her hands and took the wipes on my table to wipe off her red lipstick. "I told you stop doing that Natalie and no I'm busy, did my Mum send you?" My Mum and hers are very close friends we grew up together.

"No she didn't, I came because I wanted to." She said folding her arm. "Natalie how many times must I tell you I'm not interested." I said taking my jacket off and folding my sleeves. "Yeah but I remember you were very interested when you made love to me." She said holding my hand.

I'm not going to lie Natalie is gorgeous but she's nothing compared to Emily why am I think about her in this moment. "I was drunk that night and I apologized for taking advantage of you." I said moving her hand.

"You didn't take advantage of me Nick I wanted it as much you did, please have dinner with me as friends, that's all I'm asking for." She said holding my hand. "I promise to behave." She said laughing. "Okay just as friends Natalie, I'm really busy so" Someone knocked. "Come in." I said, It was my PA.

"Mr Kade, Mr Williams is here." She said. "Thank you Ava." She went out and I looked at Natalie.

"Okay I'll let you be, see you tonight." She said blowing me a kiss smiling. I shaked my head, she's still the same.

End of POV

I wasn't feeling well so decided to leave, I told Nicks personal assistant to tell him that I left. Nicks Butler took me home.

Nicholas POV

I went to Emily's office but there was no one there. I walked back to my office. "Mr Kade I forgot to tell you Miss Emily left early she told me to tell you but I was getting the paper's ready for the meeting." Oh she went home.

"Okay Alexa  I'm leaving now don't stay for too long all your work is done for today." I said then left.


New character!!

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