Chapter 8

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Nicholas spent the entire day with us, he even stayed for dinner. Dad wanted me to get use to him so I won't feel uncomfortable when we travel together. 

I was helping Mum put all the dishes together so our housekeeper Maryann  can wash them.

Dad and Nicholas were in Dad's study having a drink, it felt weird having him here for so long it feels like I'm dating him and introducing him to my family with the way Dad is treating him. 

Where the hell did that thought come from, I say to myself putting my hands on my face. "Sweetie are you okay." Mum asked putting her hands on my shoulders. "Yes, I'm okay Mum just thinking." I said sitting on the couch. "Were you thinking about Nicholas?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Mum no." I said looking at her with my mouth open. "What, I wouldn't blame you did you see that man. I would love to have him as my son-in-law." She said taking her shoes off and sitting next to me.

"Oh my God you got to be kidding me, you already see us married in your head." I said looking up shaking my head. "Yes, married with children." She said laughing hitting my thigh. "Ouch Mum!" I said rubbing my thigh. "I didn't even hit you that hard Emily you such a softy." She said side eyeing me.

"Emily I want you to be happy." She said out of the blue changing the mood. "Don't deny yourself happiness, if a good guy comes along give him a chance don't let him slip away okay." She said holding my hand. "Okay Mum I won't." I said smiling weakly at her.

"Where's your sister?" Mum asked getting up. "She's in her room video calling her best friend bragging on about Nicholas having dinner with us." I said rolling my eyes. "Well I'm calling it a night." She said stretching. "I'm going to say goodbye to Nicholas honey goodnight." She said and kissed my cheek. "Goodnight Mum."

I was scrolling through wattpad looking for a book to read when Dad and Nicholas came down. "It's getting late Nicholas you should head home thank you for spending a day with my family." Dad said smiling bringing him into a hug. "Thank you for having me Lucas." He said holding my Dads hand.

Mia came down the stairs running like a crazy person. "You leaving already." She said smiling at Nicholas. Why is everyone so obsessed with him.

I got up and walked towards the door where they were standing. "Yes, but you'll see me tommorw before me and your sister leave for our trip." He said hugging her. "Okay goodnight Nicholas."

"Emily will you be a darling and walk Nicholas out while I check on your mother." Dad said making everyone look at me. "Me." I said pointing at myself. "Yes you." He said pointing at me laughing. "I don't see any other Emily around." Wow I said to myself shaking my head.

We walked out Nicholas was behind me I stopped and I felt his presence was very close. "I look forward to traveling with you Emily, I promise I'll show you the time of your life." He said into my ear sending shivers all over my body. "Nicholas." I said out of breathe. "Call me Nick." He said intertwining our hands. My heart was beating so fast.

"Goodnight Nick." I said realising my hand from his. "Goodnight Emily." He said standing infront of me kissing my cheek. After he got in his car, the gate opened and he drove off.

I was still standing there with my hand on my cheek thinking about his lips on my skin. "Emily get inside what are you waiting for, your Prince Charming just left." She said I turned around and rolled my eyes at her.

Aahh! having a small sister with a big mouth can be so annoying, one of these days I'm going to duct tape that big mouth. I got in the house and went straight to my room to take a bubble bath to relax my body.

After the bubble bath I wore my pajamas and started packing for my trip with Nick. I don't know how to feel about this, I will admit he does excite me. His bringing back all those butterflies that disappeared when my heart broke, all those feelings.

Would I give him a chance if his into me maybe we'll see.

Would I give him a chance if his into me maybe we'll see

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Nicholas POV

I got in the car and she was still standing there looking at me, she's so cute I said to myself smiling. Emily didn't  know that I've known her for a while I've just kept my distance.

I saw everything that went down with her ex-husband, he really broke her heart. But I don't know why I'm so flirty towards her, maybe I like the reaction I get from her. I never pay attention to anyone that's not important to me but she's different.

I don't know how I feel, at the ball I was mesmerized by her beauty. She's so gorgeous with those brown eyes, the way she looked up at me was so adorable.

Okay what's wrong with me why am sounding like a man who's falling for someone. I got home and placed my car keys on the table and sat down closing my eyes.

All the girls that approached me only wanted my money, they didn't love me for me but what I had so I've been single for a while. But Mum keeps trying to get me to go on dates with girls I don't know and that's not happening.

I will choose who I want to be with. I got up and walked to my room unbuttoning my t-shirt and taking it off. I need a shower.

End of POV

I was sleeping on someone's chest and  I was tracing my hand up and down on on their abs. I looked up and saw Nick he kissed my forehead and said "Good morning love." I was shocked I looked under the sheets and saw that I was naked.

Shit I slept with him already, I knew we couldn't keep our hands off each other. "Do you want to go for another round." He said getting on top of me and kissing me.

I didn't know what to do so I let him do what ever he wanted he started trailing kissers down my neck I was moaning grabbing his hair when he got to my abdomen. I didn't want him to stop.

He was getting closer to where I wanted him. "Emily wake up!" I jumped up looking at Mia I took my pillow and threw it at her. "Why were you making sounds in your sleep? she asked and threw my pillow on the bed.

"Was I." I said rubbing my eyes. "Yes, anyways you need to take a shower breakfast will be ready soon and I hope you didn't forget that you going on trip with Nicholas." She said wiggling her eyebrows. "Shit." I said laying back down on my bed.

Did I just have a dream about having sex with Nicholas oh my something is clearly wrong with me how am going to look at him.


Sorry for taking so long to update, I'm busy with school so I won't be updating everyday. 💕

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