Chapter 21

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After taking a shower I got dressed, my phone started ringing. I tied my hair up, It's Mum I hope everything is okay.

"Emily Mia just woke up, you need to come to the hospital." She said crying. "What she woke up, when?" I asked beyond happy with tears in my eyes.

"Yes she did, not to long ago." Dad said "Thank God, I'll be there as soon as possible okay see you later."

She's finally awake I said wiping my tears.

Elena went out she didn't tell me where she's going which is weird because we tell each othereverything.

I got dressed and ran downstairs, I took my car keys and opened the door.

My eyes went wide, I drop my keys and handbag, I feel like I'm about to throw up. I shut the door but it gets blocked. "Emily please just give me a chance to explain myself."

"No leave! I'm calling the cops how the hell did you get in." I said banging the door on his leg. "I'm not leaving until you hear me out."

Why the hell should I listen to anything that came out of his mouth.
"Michael I don't have time for this step away from the door." I said closing my eyes trying to keep my cool.

"Emily please, I just want to apologize just give me a second. I promise I'll leave after I'm done saying what I want to say." It's too late for that.
"Michael you ruined my life, I don't want to hear anything you have to say, I've moved and I've healed don't open those wound."

"I'm going to clear your name, I'm so sorry for everything I've done everything you went through because of me. I know things won't go back to the way they were, I wish they could I loved you Emily and I know I did you wrong and there's nobody to blame but myself."

I wiped the tears running down my face. "I hope we can go out and get some coffee to talk, I'm leaving my number under the mat please contact me when you ready to talk."

He removed his leg and left, I've been standing here for a while trying to process everything. When did he come back.

I opened the door and found a piece of paper under the mat. I can't believe that just happened. I took a deep breath, picked up my bag and keys and locked the door.

I took the paper and placed it in my handbag.

Then I drove to the hospital. I went straight to Mia's room, I opened the door and saw her sitting up straight, she had a huge smile on her face.

"Mia you finaly awake." I said hugging her "I missed you so much, after the accident I came straight home. How are you feeling does your bod hurt?" I said examining her.

"I missed you too Emily, I'm okay." She said smiling weakly and holding my hand. "Can you imagine she wants to go home, she just woke up from a mini coma. Please talk to your sister." Mum said coming to my side.

"Mia Mum's right you just woke up, you need to stay for a few days then I promise I'll take you home myself." She looked down tears started flowing down her face.

"I can't believe I almost died and I broke my leg, I can't remember anything. I've missed out on so much." Mia said putting her hand over her mouth sobbing. I wrap my arms around her, I couldn't hold in my tears. "You going to be okay Mia, we all here for you please don't cry."

"Yes honey you going to recover, and you'll be back on your feet in no time." Mum said holding her hand and kissing it.

After calming down Mia I went and bought some coffee for Mum and Dad, on my way my phone started ringing.

"Hi Lena." I said taking my card out.

"Hi Em how's Mia doing.

"She woke up." I said smiling

"Oh thank God, does she remember anything."

"No, but I'm worried about her."

"I'm sure she'll get better, it's going to take time."

"Yeah." I said sighting

"I called to tell you I'm heading home, something came up." She siad nervously.

"Oh okay, I don't know when I'll see you again but thank you for being there for me and my family."

"You don't have to thank me Em, what are bestfriends for, I'll always be there for you. love you I have to go."

"Love you bye."

After buying the coffee I went back, Mia was asleep I told my parents they should go home and rest I'll stay with Mia tonight.

"Okay honey we'll send someone to bring you some clothes." Mum said hugging me. "Okay thanks Mum, I kissed Dad goodbye.

Then it was just me and my thoughts, I haven't told anyone about Mitchell. I don't know what to do.

I took out the piece of paper he left, should I just meet up with him and get it over with? should I give him a chance to explain?"

I took out the piece of paper he left, should I just meet up with him and get it over with? should I give him a chance to explain?"

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Nicholas POV

"What did she say Elena?" I asked getting impatient. "Can you relax, why you being so impatient." She said putting her phone down.

"She believes that I'm going home and her sister woke up but we can only continue with our plan when Mia goes home , she's probably taking care of her as we speak."

I'm glad her sister's doing better, I just want to explain everything that happened and fix things between us.

I love Emily and I want to be with her for the rest of my life, I just hope everything works out.

"Nick don't worry everything is going to work out, soon you'll have Emily in your arms. Trust me she may be mad at you right now, but she has feeling for you."

"The lady that gave birth to us had to go and ruin everything, you two would be engaged by now and I wouldn't have to lie to Emily. I hate lying and I'm not good at it, thank God she believed me." She said folding her arms.

"You owe me, I hope you know that."

"Elena I really thought you were helping me out of the kindness of your heart, but here you are asking for something in return." I say placing my hand over my heart acting like I'm hurt by her words.

"Oh please, cut the act Nick you know I've always been like this." Elena said rolling her eyes."

I gave her a disgusting look.


I know it's a longgggg time since I updated I'm going to try and complete this because I've been procrastinating and I really want to compete it.

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