Chapter 1

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Two months ago

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Two months ago

Today is truly the best day of my life, I married the man of my dreams.

We arrived at the hotel, and Michael couldn't keep his hands off me for some reason. I'm so nervous, it's like we haven't spent countless nights together.

"I can't wait to make love to you the whole night." He said, kissing my neck and making me giggle.

"I'm looking forward to that." I say kissing him. "Let me take a shower, I love you so much." He said kissing my cheek. "I love you too." I say smiling at him.

I sit on the bed taking my hills off, and my feet are killing me. My phone starts ringing. Why is Jersey calling me at this time. "Hey Jers, is everything okay?"

"There's something I have to tell you." She says with a shaky voice. "Yeah, I'm listening."

I hope it's not Andrew again. I told her he's a jerk. "Michael has been cheating on you for half of your relationship."

"What! no, what are you talking about." I say standing up. "Michael would never do that, this has to be one of your pranks." I say holding my necklace.

"I'm being serious Emily, he cheated on you with me. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to ruin our relationship and Michael told me it would ruin things if I told you."

At that moment I wanted to kill both of them.

Why would they do this to me and here I thought I married the man of my dreams, I held on to the table because I felt dizzy and nauseous.

"Why the fuck would you tell me
after I married him Jersey." I say shaking.

"I didn't want to ruin our friendship because he was cheating on you with me, I didn't want to break your heart on your wedding day." she says pleading with me.

"Are you fucking crazy!!" I say losing it

"I'm so sorry Emily, it just happened and now I love him." the fucking audacity

"If you were my best friend you wouldn't have done it, fuck you Jersey fuck both of you." I say screaming into the phone crying.

I have to get out of here, I looked for my suitcase around the room my mind was everywhere I just wanted to get away from Michael.

I found my suitcase and bag and I left the hotel, I'm in a different country I don't know anybody I just want to go home and forget everything that happened and this pain in my chest.

I stopped a taxi and the guy was kind enough to take me to another hotel far from the one Michael and I were staying in. I blocked and deleted both of their numbers.

I knew he was going to call me, I can't believe he would do this to me.

Was I so blinded by love that I didn't see what was happening right in front of me I could've ended things before we got married. I'm so stupid he is a man after all.

I looked out of the window crying feeling like crap, I was a complete fool to think he loved me, What kills me even more is that I love him.

Michael's POV

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Michael's POV

"Babe I'm done you can take a shower, Babe." I wrapped a towel around my waist, I walked out of the bathroom and she wasn't in the room shit. Jersey told her, that dumb bitch.

I tried calling Emily but her number wasn't going through.

I called Jersey. "Why the hell did you tell her you've ruined everything Jersey." I say gripping the phone. "I did it so we could be together Michael, I love you and I'm tired of waiting."

"I told you not to tell Emily now I have no idea where she is." I say walking up and down. "Do you want me to come?" Is this girl okay in the head. "No Jersey why would I want you to come."

"I want to be with you Michael, I'll be there tomorrow okay I love you." She says then drops the phone. Shit Emily is probably going back home.

I doubt it, I have to go back home before she does, this is going to ruin my reputation, and my family's fuck my Dad is going to kill me unless I do something about this.

I'll change the whole story and say she cheated.

End of POV

When we got to the hotel the taxi driver helped me with my suitcase. "Whatever you going through miss it will pass." He says looking at me with a light smile. "Thank you." I say wiping my tears.

I booked a room and when I was finally alone laid on the bed my chest was in so much pain and I wanted this feeling to go away.

My heart was in shambles and for what a man that never loved me, I have experienced heartbreaks but this was something else. I hated the fact that I was broken inside.

He made memories with me then went behind my back and did the same with Jersey. Why did he marry me, what was the point it's clear that he never loved me.

This one time they both had work to do overseas, why didn't I think something was up then.

Everything was a lie, all those memories we made together. The only thing I could do was cry to make my heart feel better so I did I cried into the pillow.

We were in a relationship for six years I wanted to make sure he was the one, because all my other relationships never worked out and

I'd always get cheated on in the end. I'm never opening my heart to another man all those barriers I had before are going up and never coming down.

End of PoV

In the present

After everything, I decided not to go back home, but to go to the Maldives

I needed time to get myself before I go home. Michael and I come from very powerful families so our marriage was a huge thing, it was even covered by the media.

Imagine going back home alone and telling my family, the media would write all sorts of articles.

Michael cheating would become the hugest thing to happen this year after the Queen dying, everyone would have something to say as always.

People on social media would share their opinion and this will make the Owen family look really bad and I will be looked at as the poor new wife which is exactly something I don't want.

I haven't seen anything online which means Michael is still in Buenos Aires.

I hope he's not looking for me, I made sure to hide when I was at the airport and I took the private jet to the Maldives.

Coming here was the best decision I made even though my heart is still in a million pieces. It will heal as time goes on.


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I am going to try and update every day so there's more chapters you guys can read.

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