When her best friend calls her on her honeymoon
night, and tells her that her new husband has been cheating on her half of their relationship. Emily is shattered.
"Why the fuck would you tell me
after I married him Jersey." I said shaking.
"I did...
After a few days Mia came home, she was so excited to finally sleep in her room. Her friends came over we threw her a welcome home party to make her feel better.
She was so happy to see her friends, I'm just happy to see her being her old self again, she's been through a lot.
Michael has been on my mind the whole day, I've been spacing out. Mum asked me if I was okay so many times.
I hate keeping secrets from her but I can't tell them they would lose it if I did. And I know dad won't allow me to see him but I still don't know what to do.
"Emily you've been looking at that same spot on the wall for so long, what's happening? you acting weird."
"I'm fine there's a lot on my mind." I said fidgeting with my hands.
She wasn't convinced. "You know you can talk to me." She said placing her hand on my cheek brushing it with her thumb.
"I know Mum, but everything is fine." I say lying because I'm actually losing my mind trying to make a decision whether I should meet up with Michael or not.
It was getting late Mia's friends went home they told her all the drama she missed out on.
She's quite behind with her school work but Mum spoke to her school and she will start catching up.
"Emily let's speak in my office." Dad said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We sat on the couch in the corner.
"So we've completed the project in Hawaii, I need you to go check everything out and write a report."
I don't want to go back there, but I could meet up with Michael now.
Then when he goes on the show and confesses everything I won't be here for the chaos and paparazzi won't harass me. But at the same time what if I see Nick.
"When do I leave?"
"Since todays Wednesday you can go Friday." He said pouring himself some scotch.
"Okay Dad I'm going to lie down."
I go to my room and search for the hand bag I used the day Mia woke up. I went through my walk-in closet, and I finally found it. I took out the piece of paper and added the number to my phone and called it.
"Hi Michael it's Emily." Am I really doing this.
"Oh Emily I thought you wouldn't call me, Thank you for giving me a chance to explain."
"Let's meet up at Daisy's café tomorrow at twelve, I just want to get this over with."
"Okay that's perfect."
"Okay bye." I dropped the phone.
The next day I got ready and had some breakfast it was still early so I went through my emails. Then I spent some time with Mia, I made some popcorn and we watched some old movies.
It was 11:49 I had to leave. Mum was in the kitchen, "Mum I'm going out." I said taking my hand bag and key.
"Okay honey."
I left my cap in the car which was good people can't see me with Michael, I hope he has shades on or a cap to hide himself.
I drove to Daisy's and he was already there, he had a cap and a hoodie on also a face mask on. I know Mitchell so it was easy to spot him. I sat down this is kind of awkward.
"I ordered you some milkshake, I hope that's okay."
"It's fine." The waiter placed the milkshake in front of me, Mitchell got himself coffee.
He took one side of his mask off.
"I ruined everything and I regret it, the way everything went down I should of never went on that show and spoke those lies. I'm really sorry Emily, I was influenced by my Dad and I knew if this came out my reputation would be ruined."
"So you decided to ruin mine, Michael I got death threats you should have seen the disgusting things people were saying."
"Emily I know and I promise I'll fix it. After everything that happened with my Dad I had to disappear."
"I still don't understand why you did it, I was nothing but faithful to you I supported you and you went and slept with Jersey half of our relationship. You make me sick, what am I even doing here giving you a chance you don't even deserve." I said holding back tears.
"Emily I know I was a dick, I shouldn't have done that. I know sorry won't change anything but I am , I don't know what to say but I'm a changed man. I'm not the same Michael you knew back then I want to be a better person and I feel like this is my first step of trying to achieve that. I'll try my best to clear your name and I know it's going to take you a lot of time to forgive me, but I hope one day you will."
I took a few sips of my milkshake.
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Nicholas POV
Elena and I were getting some lunch across Daisy's I parked the car we got out, I turned to lock the car but I saw Emily.
"Elena what is Emily doing at Daisy's and who is that man?" He had a hoodie and a cap on so I couldn't see him, she's also wearing a cap.
"Oh my God I have no idea." She said shocked.
They in a serious conversation. "Elena call her and find out who that man is." I was ready to cross the street and find out myself, is she seeing someone? did I lose my opportunity to fix things.
"Nick come down, let's go in before she sees us'" She said grabbing my arm.
"What the hell is going on, I thought you said she was taking care of her sister not going on dates."
"Nicholas I'm surprised as you are, she didn't tell me anything about going on a date. I'm starving so I'm ordering something."
I have no appetite.
My phone started ringing. "What."
"I'm sorry for disturbing you sir but Mr Davis called and said his daughter will be coming to Hawaii on Friday to check out the hotel."
Shit. "Okay thanks for informing me." I said.
"Elena our plan has to wait, we need to go home, Emily's going to Hawaii on Friday to check the hotel and I have to be there."
"What!" She said popping her eyes.
"We have to leave right now."
Elena took a takeaway we first checked if Emily was still at Daisy's but she left, we drove to my penthouse packed our bags and took my private jet to go back home.