Chapter 10

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《Not edited》

Nick and I spoke for so long getting to know each other we ate lunch then after a few hours we landed.

"Welcome to Hawaii Miss Davis." he said as we stepped out of the Jet then placed Hawaiian leis around my neck.

"Thank you Nick." I said smiling at him shacking my head, now I feel comfortable around him, since we got to know each other a little bit. Hawaii is so beautiful I could stay here forever.

"You'll be staying at my house if it's okay with you or you could stay at one of our hotels whatever's comfortable with you." He said opening the door for me.

"It's okay I can stay at your place, it'll be easy to do work." I got in the car he held the top part so I wouldn't nock my head.

Nick got in and we drove to his house, "Are you hungry?" He asked looking at me. "Yeah it's been a few hours since we ate lunch." I said sitting up.

Nick took his phone and called someone. "Hey Luciano please prepare dinner for two I'm almost home." He said "Oh no it's just a business partner." He said laughing.

When we got there the house had big gates they opened and we went through a long drive way untill we started seeing the house. His house keeper and staff were all waiting at the door. I got out.

"Good evening Mr Kade welcome home." They all said. "Thank you, this is Emily Davis a very important partner she's going to stay here for 3 weeks so treat her well." They all noded their heads "Welcome Miss Davis."

"Thank you." I said smiling awkwardly. "If you need anything Emily just ask them they'll help." I noded my head. This man has a whole staff and he lives alone in this huge house.

We went inside and everything was so beautiful its a very open house with huge windows I could see the beach from where I was standing, such a beautiful view the sun was setting and it looked so petty I had to take a picture and send it to Mia.

"Beautiful isn't it." Nick said standing next to me admiring the view. "This is my favorite spot to relax and clear my mind." I looked at him and his eyes were so focused on the beach. "It really is." I said sitting down. "This place is so peaceful." I said closing my eyes you could hear the waves from here.

"I came to tell you dinner is ready." I opened my eyes and got up. "I'll give you a tour so you won't get lost after eating dinner." He said then I followed him to the kitchen

Nick walked into the kitchen the chef was placing the food on the table. "Luciano this is Emily Davis she'll be staying her for a while." Nick said sitting down.

"Yes Erica informed me, a pleasure to meet Miss Davis welcome." he said stretching out his hand. I shook his hand. "Thank you." I said sitting down next to Nick.

Dinner was delicious Luciano made Easy Chicken Alfredo Penne Pasta the best I've ever had. It was so delicious after dinner Nick showed me around and finally we ended up back to the room I'll be staying in.

"Good night Emily if you need anything I'll be down the corridor." He said walking out. "Good night Nick." I said smiling. "Get some rest tommorw we'll go see the site we'll be building on." He said closing the door.

Nick is different from any other man I've been with or interacted with, he's a gentlemen, sweet and considerate. He's just kind and it's been a long time since I felt this way for someone, after everything happened my heart is affraid to open up. But with him it's easy to be myself and open up a little.

I don't know what I'm going to do if I fall for him, I already like his presences even though I would never admit that to him, I like being around him. I walked into the walking closet and saw that my clothes are already there.

I changed into my silky pajamas and jumped into bed but I was craving something sweet, I want to go downstairs but is that appropriate this isn't my house.

Who cares he said I must make myself at home so I got up and went downstairs into the kitchen. The lights were all turned off so I took my phone to use my flashlight. I was walking like those people in the movies trying to sneak out or rob a house. I opened the fridge to check if Nick had any chocolate ice cream.

While I was looking I felt someone's presence behind me I turned around and there was no one, I think it's time to go back to my room. I found a huge tub of chocolate ice cream and closed the fridge when I turned around a figure was standing infront of me I screamed and dropped the the tub.

"Shhhh Emily you going to wake up my staff." He said placing his hand over my mouth and pulling me towards his naked chest. "I tried pulling his hand away from my mouth but he wouldn't budge so I licked his hand.

"Did you just lick my hand!" he said moving his hand away. "Look who's being loud now, you scared the shit out of me what are you even doing here?" I said leaning against the fridge holding my chest.

Nick wiped his hand on my shoulder. "Next time keep that tounge of yours in your mouth and this is my house genius you the one stealing my ice cream in the dark." He said folding his arms smirking at me.

"I wasn't stealing." I said picking up the tub. "You said I must make myself at home so I did." I said shrugging my shoulders. "What am I suppose to think seeing someone with a flashlight digging in my fridge you could have just switched on the lights." He said and clapped his hands twice and all the lights came on.

I couldn't hold in my laugh. "I probably looked crazy." I said
leaning on the table laughing. "Yeah you did." He said taking out two spoons from the drawer.

"This is my favorite ice cream and this is the last tub so we sharing it." He said taking the tub and walking to the sitting room. "Can you put a t-shirt on or something." I said looking at his back which was wow.

"Yeah there's a t-shirt in the sitting room, don't worry." He said laughing looking back at me.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He said sitting down. "Don't we have work tommorw?" I asked sitting down. "Yeah but it's still early." He said opening the tub and taking a huge spoon of ice cream. "Hey wait don't start eating without me that was a huge spoon Nick." I said taking my spoon and digging in.

"Let's watch To All The Boys I've Loved Before." I said putting my legs on the coffe table next to Nicks. "Oh yeah Grace told me about it." He said going on Netflix to put it on. "Who's Grace?" I asked with spoon of ice cream in my mouth. "Grace is my sister."

"How old is she?" I said turning to look at him. "How old are you?" He asked putting the remote down. "I'm 26 and you?" I said taking another spoon of ice cream. "I'm 29, Grace is 25."

Out of no where we started talking about family I don't know how we got to talking about his Dad we weren't even watching the movie. "My Dad passed away when I was 20, Grace 16 and Christopher 14." He said giving me the tub.

"We don't have to talk about it Nick." I said putting the tub on the table. "No it's okay, I just miss him, my Mum changed once my Dad passed away trust me I love my Mum but she's not as kind as she was before to the  people around her."

"As long as she treated you guys well." I said placing the pillow between us on my lap. "Yeah but it's still not right she become someone totally different after getting the money my Dad left her.

Now she thinks she's better than everybody else. She started her own fashion line so she's involved in that industry and I guess it got to her head." He said leaning closing his eyes. "Now it's all about keeping our reputation clean."

"Now she won't stop getting me to meet girls she approves of ." Ohh so she's like that well damn. "I'm old enough to choose who I want to fall in love with." He said looking at me with soft eyes. "Yes you are." I said nodding my head. The conversation we had went on for a while and I don't know what happened next because I dozed of.


I finally had time to update just one chapter hope you like it ❤

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