Chapter 20

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"Emily does it again, this girl cannot leave other people's man, trending news Natalie and Nicholas Kade have been engaged for a while now but it was kept a secret, Emily Davis got involved with Nicholas Kade knowing that he was engaged to Natalie."

What the actual fuck.

"Natalie took to social media to confirm these reports she said in a Tweet

"I confronted her and told her to stay way from Nick but she didn't listen, women nowadays have no respect💔"

"No way, Mum has officially lost it." Elena said coming into my room.
Yeah she definitely did, this is bullshit.

"I need to call Nick." She said taking her phone out. I grabbed it. "No, don't call Nick."

"Em come on, he can do something about this before it blows out, people are already talking about it on Twitter." She said pleading with me.

"Lena I don't want anything that has to do with Nicholas, I could hardly give shit about what's happening right now. My sister is in hospital that's the only important thing to me right now, let them talk shit about me I don't care." I said getting up.

"I won't say anything about you, I'm just making sure he saw the news and that he does something about it."

I fold my hands walking up and down. "Fine, I'm going to get ready to go to the hospital so my parents can come home to freshen up.

 "Fine, I'm going to get ready to go to the hospital so my parents can come home to freshen up

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Nicholas POV

I was currently on the phone with my lawyer, I'm sick and tired of Gabrielle thinking she has some power or leverage over me.

The fact that she's coming for the woman I love is driving me insane.
I'm so sick of her.

Emily's Dad sent someone to continue the project and I had a meeting with them today but when I got to the office it was filled with report's I had to wait in the car for my bodyguards.

Damn I hate this.

I got out and all sort of questions were asked ten bodyguards excoriated me.
"Mr Kade is it true that you were involved with Emily Davis while you wete engaged to Natalie?"

I didn't respond to any questions and went in.

End of POV

I held my sister's hand tightly, willing her to wake up. Mia had been in a car accident, and ever since then, she had been lying in a hospital bed, unconscious.

My parents and I had been taking turns sitting with her, talking to her, hoping that somehow, she could hear us.

My best friend, Elena, was there too. She had been a constant source of support since the accident, and I was grateful to have her by my side.

As we sat there, the sound of Mia's heart monitor was the only thing that broke the heavy silence. The beeps were slow and steady, like the rhythm of a dying drum.

Suddenly, Mia's face contorted in pain, and her hand jerked in mine. My heart raced as I called for the nurse, and soon there were several doctors and nurses rushing into the room.

I was pushed to the side as they worked to revive Mia. I could hear the sound of the defibrillator as they tried to shock her heart back into rhythm.

My parents were sobbing uncontrollably, and Lena was holding me tightly, but all I could focus on was the sound of the beeps slowing down.

And then, suddenly, they stopped.

The doctors and nurses worked frantically to save Mia, but it was too late. Her heart had failed, and there was nothing they could do.

I watched in horror as they rushed my sister's lifeless body out of the room. My parents were screaming, and Lena was crying. Please be a dream wake up Emily.

"" I said jump up. Lena was sleeping next to me she woke up and switched on the lights. I was crying uncontrollably. "Em it's okay it was just a dream." She said hugging me.

"She died, Lena she died." I said crying into her shoulder. "No she's alive and is going to get better Emily." I moved away so I could look at Lena.

"What if my dream comes true what if this is a sign that she won't make it, Elena I'm so scared." I said crying.

"Emily don't think like that, listen to me okay nothing bad is going to happen to Mia she's going to make it, Okay." She said holding my hands and then hugging me. "Stop being negative."

After that nightmare I didn't go back to sleep I took a shower and went to Mia's school. Her best friend has been visiting her.

I miss you so much Mia.

Tears start flowing down my face.
I switch on my phone and I have so many messagers. I don't have the energy for this.

Nick needs to deal with his psychopath mother and Natalie, it's getting old this already happened to me, Michael turned everyone against me I defended myself.

This has nothing to do with me so Nick better fix this. People believe anything and just go with it and I'm extremely done with all this bullshit.

Mia is what's most important to me.

Elena's POV

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Elena's POV

I'm currently on the phone with Nick telling him off. "Nick do you love Emily or not, if you do you better fix this and tell her how you feel." I said walking up and down in the garden.

"I love her so much Lena, the problem is Gabrielle, she ruined things between us. I told Emily how I felt and we had such a beautiful moment." He said frustrated.

"Okay after you fix what's happening I'll help you with everything. We'll make a plan, do something to get you two in one place as soon as Mia gets better." I said determined.

"Thanks that would mean a lot, I don't want to lose her, I have everything covere. My team is dealing with this whole mass." I see Emily walking towards me. "Okay I have to go bye." I said and dropped the phone and placed it in the back pocket of my jean.

"Hey girl, I'm just chilling in the sun for a bit." I said smiling and swinging my arms back and forth. Emily's looking at me as if I'm not okay in the head.

"Are you okay." She said laughing sitting down on the pool chair. "Yeah I'm always good." I said sitting in front of her smiling.

I know Emily likes my brother they super cute together and I would love to have her as my sister-in-law then Natalie. Who has the worst personality and always thinks she's better then everyone around her.

So it's my mission to make sure those two end up together.


This chapter was so difficult to write it took me so long to finish I had writers block.

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