Chapter 24

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"Nicholas, don't say things you don't mean."I said looking down. "Emily look into my eyes." He said placing his finger under my chin. My vision became blurry. 

"Let me love you, I promise I'll never break your heart. I'll make you so happy, Emily you're my happiness." He said with his forehead on mine "Please Emily."

We were both breathing heavily

Tears started flowing down my face, they way he's looking at me right now. Could he really love me? Should I give him a chance?

I place my hand on his cheek he kissed my palm. I looked at his lips and pulled him towards mine. His lips were warm and soft, the way he was kissing me, our lips were slowly brushing against each other.

He placed his hand behind my neck to deepen the kiss, his other hand went to my waist. Our bodies were pressed together heatedly against the elevator.

My heart was beating so fast, I ran my fingers through his hair, slightly tugging it. Nick lifted my leg and wrapped it around his waist.

We broke apart Nicholas started planting kisses down my neck. "We...we need to talk." I say in a daze. "We can talk later." He said, pressing his lips to mine, coaxing my mouth open. The sweep of his tongue more aggressive.

I moan into the kiss, my other hand  skimming down his chest going down feeling his six packs through his shirt. I go lower, making him moan.

His phone starts ringing but that doesn't stop him I place my hand on his chest.

"Nick, your phone." I said coming back to my senses.

"Just ignore it." He said and continued kissing me. The phone didn't stop ringing so I slipped my hand into his pocket and took it.

I pushed his chest. "It's Elena, you have to pick it up."

"What the hell does she want." He took his phone and answered the call, putting it on speaker.

"What do you want? This better be important Elena."

"How did it go? What's taking you so long Nicholas, did you mess up again."

Nicholas hung up the phone, and the elevator started moving again. "You know we need to talk. Us kissing  doesn't fix things, I need an explanation." I said fixing myself.

"Let's go to my place, and I'll explain everything to you."

I looked at him and nodded my head. 

The door opened, Lena was standing with her arms folded and a smirk on her face. "Did you guys kiss and make up?" 

I quickly said no, her smirk dropped. 

My driver dropped me off at Nicks house. Nick insisted that we take the same car, but I rejected his offer.

Elena said she's going shopping, so it's just the two of us.  

"I don't like it when you cold to me Emily." Nick said taking a seat next to me. 

"I'm giving you a chance to explain, so what happened? Why the hell did your mother tell me you engaged."

"I was never engaged to Natalie, I never agreed to anything. Gabrielle planned this whole thing with Natalie just to separate us Em."

"Did anything happen between you and Natalie?"

He stayed quiet for a while, then ran his hand over his face. 

"Yes, but we just kissed. I stopped before anything could happen. It didn't feel right, I'm sorry."

"Kissing you was a mistake, I'm going to leave." I said getting up taking my bag. 

"Emily please don't do this." He said holding my arm. "I pulled my arm away. "Why the fuck would you kiss her Nick?"

"I don't know it just happened but I promise I'll never kiss her again, please don't push me away Emily"

"I need sometime, so please keep your distance." I said then walked out."

I feel so stupid.

It's been a while since I got home. I took a shower, and now I'm relaxing in the sitting room eating strawberries dip in chocolate.

"Miss Emily there's a lady outside who wants to see you." Helen said. She's the new housekeeper.

"Thank you Helen, tell her I'll be right there." My hair was still wrapped in a towel. I took the towel off and ran my hands through my hair.

I turned around and Natalie was standing at the entrance of the sitting room she walked towards me.

"What are you doing here? Who said you can come in?"

"I just came to check on you." She said placing here clutch on the coffee table.

I threw her bag down. "Take your shit and get the fuck out of my house Natalie!"

"Relax Emily, I just want to talk. There's no need to be rude." She said smiling.

"Is this how you treat all your guests?" She said taking a seat.

"No only uninvited guests like you." I said folding my arms.

"Do you know how amazing Nicholas is in bed, of course you don't." She said laughing. "He never made love to you."

"He hits all the right spots." She said smirking.

The way I want to throw up.

"Thinking about it gets me so wet." She said moaning.

I grab her by the hair and drag her out of my house.

"Emily are you fucking crazy!" She said trying to pull my hands away.

I threw her to the ground, I walked back in and took her clutch and threw it on her.

"If I see you on my property again I'll fucking kill you. Can you please take this trash out." I told the guards.

"Don't let her in next time." I said then walked into the house.

"Fuck you Emily! who the fuck do you think you are! this isn't over do you hear me!" She said as the guards dragged her out.

Why did Nicholas get involved with this bitch. Out of all the women in the world he went and chose a psychopath.

Dammit I was having such a nice day.

It was late at night. I had the news channel on, Michael finally told the truth. I switched the TV off. I didn't want to see his face.

Things are never going to be the same, I'm never going to be the same. the damage has been done, But I love this version of myself better.


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