Chapter 16

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Nicholas POV

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Nicholas POV

"Natalie don't you ever speak to Emily like that." I said giving her a death stare which made her step back.

"Leave and never show your face here, I'll deal with the rumors." I said and walked out. She ran after me. "Nick don't be like this, let's clear the rumors together."

"Natalie do you want security to escort you out?" I asked taking my phone out. "I'll give you a few days to cool off I'll be back." She said and walked away. Clearly she's delusional what part of I'm not interested does she not understand.

I need to find Emily and explain everything but I couldn't find her, she wasn't in her office. "Mr kade Miss Davis left with Miss Elena." Alexa said.
Where did they go this time.

I took out a statement saying Natalie and I are not in a relationship, I am not interested in her, and that we had dinner as friends nothing more. And I told people to refrain from spreading false rumours on social media. I made sure all those pictures were taken down.

I had someone investigate how the press got a hold of those pictures and once they find out that persons is going to pay.

End of POV

When I walked out of the bored room I went straight to my office I banged the door without realising. "Emily what happened. " she said getting up from the couch walking towards me.

"I see what you were talking about, Natalie is here and imagine what she said to me." I said throwing the document on my table.

She said. "How's life treating you after cheating on you fiancee at your honeymoon, I got to say you truly something else." I said making my hands into a fist imagining myself beating the shit out of her. "Who the hell does she think she is."

"She said what, I'm going to show her.." I pulled Elena back before she could get her hands on Natalie. "Can we just get out of here." I said placing my hand on my forehead.

"We going out tonight forget about Natalie she's irrelevant and a very desperate woman it's embarrassing anyways let's go to my place and get ready" she said linking our arms.

We arrived at Elene's place and I have to say it's so beautiful you can tell this is her house and it's huge not as huge as Nicks.

"I don't have an outfit." I said laying on her bed. "It's still early Em yon can choose anything you like, I had a lot of new clothes added to my wardrobe." She said coming to lay next to me.

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