Chapter 18

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I was waiting in the kitchen looking out of the window waiting for Nick to come back home, I'm so nervous we not even on a official date I'm just returning a favour.

I saw his black car coming closer to the house so I ran to open the door, and there he was coming out of his car.

"Hey Nick." I said smiling at him as he walked towards the door I moved so he can walk in. "Hey Emily, and what surprise do you have for me?" He asked placing his car keys on the coffe table in the sitting room.

"Well go change and come to the kitchen." I said looking back as I went to the kitchen. I placed the whine on the table, everyone helped I'm so grateful I wouldn't be able to do this without them.

The food and everything was ready the chef made Nicks favorite meals and some of them I my favorite. "It smells so good in here." Nick said walking in smiling at me.

"Take a seat so we can dig in." I said standing up to pour whine in our glasses. "Emily you didn't have to do this." He said as I placed the whine bottle down taking a seat.

"No Nick I wanted to, what's so wrong in me spoiling you for once you've been nothing but great to me this whole time, so stop saying that and eat this delicious food." I said pointing at the food with my spoon.

We ate and spoke, I feel so relaxed when I'm around Nick his presence makes me happy, when I go back home I'm sure going to miss him.

After we ate I took Nick outside. "Where are we going Emily?" He asked laughing. I grabbed his hand and we went to the back of the house I clapped my hands twice and the whole place lit up.

I looked at Nick and he had his beautiful smile on his face, we were still holding hands. "Do you like it?" I asked looking away from him. "It's beautiful Emily no one hs ever done this for me thank you."

I pulled him to our seats the movie was about to start. "I thought we could watch this everyone has been talking about it." I said getting our popcorn and drinks.

We were currently watching from scratch, half way through the movie I feel Nicks eyes on me. I look at him and smile then look away but his still looking at me.

"Emily look at me." He said placing his hand on my. I paused the movie and looked at him. "I want to tell you how I feel." He said looking at me nervously.

"I've never felt like this for someone so it's kind of heard to explain it." He said scratching the back of his head looking down smiling his cheeks turned red.

Is Nick confessing his feelings?

"Emily I can't stop thinking about you,
from the day we met you captured my eyes with your beauty. When I'm around you it's the best feeling ever you so genuine and honest, you nothing like the woman I knew in the past they were never interested in me they only wanted my money.

My heart is beating so fast,I can't believe this is happening.

"You the first woman I've ever opened up too that's says a lot, all of this is knew to me feeling this way for someone it actually scares me. You the only woman in my heart."

"Nick I." I said as tears started forming in my eyes. "No don't say anything, I know you've been through a lot you don't have to tell me how you feel if you not ready, I just wanted to tell you how I felt. There's only one week left before you go home I had to tell you."

Does Nick really have feelings for me?
I feel something for him but I'm not sure, I'm so afraid of getting hurt but Nick is such a great guy.

I looked at him as tears rolled down my cheeks, his eyes became glossy. "Don't cry Emily." He said wiping my tears. "I don't ever want to see you crying or unhappy.

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