Chapter 2

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I was watching the news while having my breakfast and what I saw made me spit out my breakfast. You got to be fucking kidding me.

"One of the top news this morning is that the newly married couple Michael Owens and Emily Davis have reportedly split because Emily Davis cheated.

Pictures are circulating on social media of Emily standing very closely with another man.

The Owen family released a statement stating that Emily Davis packed her bags and left the hotel to meet up with her secret lover.

The Davis family hasn't released a statement concerning the current situation

Now his family is dragging my family's name through the mud and they making me look like the bad person when their son is the fucked up one.

Over my dead body will I allow them to do this to me.

I hope Mia isn't getting bullied at school because of this I don't need my small sister hearing people calling me a slut.

I got up and took a shower after I packed my bags The Owen family is going to regret bringing that manwhore into this world after I'm done with them.

Jersey's POV

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Jersey's POV

I spent a month with Michael in Buenos Aires, it was magical it sure is a beautiful place. I never wanted things to turn out this way.

I tried to suppress my feelings but I couldn't. The heart wants what it wants and mine wanted Michael.

I never wanted to hurt Emily, she's my best friend but I had to end their marriage before it was too late.

Her heart would have been even more broken if I told her when they came back from their honeymoon.

Michael could have done this a different way, Emily would never cheat she was so in love with him. Everybody knew but we can change their minds and make her look horrible.

I'm only doing this because I found true love and I want to be happy I may sound selfish but true love only comes once. And I'm not letting Michael go.

After a few years we'll get married, Michael promised me. I'll make him so happy I'll give him everything that Emily wasn't able to give him.

Even her past relationships never worked, she always got cheated on. Michael was too good for her.

She's so weak so broken she can't even face her problems rather than doing so she ran off. I've always been the beautiful one between us no wonder Michael fell for me.

End of POV

I don't know who told the paparazzi that I was coming back the airport was filled with them I had on a black cap and black shades.

I was revealed and I saw my bodyguards as I approached the entrance. How the hell was I going to through with so many paparazzi trying to take pictures of me.

"Hello miss Davis your father told me to send his regards." Jonathan says taking my suitcase out of my hand.

I wanted to cry my family didn't believe the lies Michael is spreading about me. I'm so happy that I'm not alone. There were about 12 bodyguards. Thank you Dad.

Questions were thrown at me from all over as we went through the airport. People were looking at me with disgust all over their faces.

"Emily did you cheat on your husband on your honeymoon?", "Why did you do it?", "How long have you been cheating?", "Who is your secret lover?"

When we finally got out of the airport the was a car waiting, Jonathan opened the door I got in and when I saw my Dad, I hugged him and cried.

"Oh sweetheart I'm so sorry this is happening to you." He says hugging me and kissing my head.

I thought you wouldn't believe me." I say crying "Emily you are my daughter, of course I wouldn't believe Michael I know you loved him and would never cheat, this is all Michael.

Michael his family are going to pay."
my Dad said rubbing my back.

Mia's POV

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Mia's POV

I know my sister didn't cheat, no matter what people have to say Emily loved Michael and would never cheat on him.

It's that dick head Michael he definitely did something, probably couldn't keep his dick in his pants and stay faithful to my sister.

Camilla is this mean girl at school, after the news came out she made it her mission to make my life miserable by calling my sister names.

I was not going to sit and do nothing about it, I punched her in the face and broke her nose.

The principal said it was best for me to do homeschooling in the meantime.

I honestly have no problem with that. Emily is probably a mess and I can be with her, she doesn't deserve this nobody does.

What makes me want to rip Michaels's eyes out, is that he's making my sister look bad, the news is everywhere it's even trending on Twitter and you know it's a toxic place.

The things people are saying about Emily make me want to vomit. I have to take her phone away, Michael's psycho fans are doing too much.

They sending death threats to Emily on Instagram, we have each other's passwords and I had to deactivate her Instagram because it was getting out hand.

Mum has been worried sick, she knows how Emily gets when she's heartbroken. She just shuts down and pushes everyone away.

I hope this time she won't, I hope she makes Michael pay and I hope she knows that she's not alone.

When the cars arrived I ran down the stairs and as soon as I saw Emily I hugged her. I felt Mum hugging both of us. "Oh honey I'm so sorry." Mum said crying.

End of POV

As soon as I stepped into the house I saw Mia running towards me, she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me so tight. Then I felt Mun hugging us.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry." She says crying which made me start crying I know it hurts them when they see me like this.

I've pushed them away whenever I was going through a heartbreak they never gave up on me.

They tried by all means to make me happy and this time I don't have the strength to even push them away I'm so broken inside.

My heart has become so hollow and I need them to fill up this space in my heart.

I don't want to cry for him, I don't want to waste my tears on him but I can't help it.

I hate myself for crying but my heart is so broken. I felt my Dad hugging us I have never cried my heart out like this.


Chapter 2 what do you think so far?

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