chapter 2

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Harrys pov

I set the tea on and look in something for a flavor. See a piece of paper with the name niall standing on it.

I look open and see Simon handwriting. It's a food schedule. I get a little pisted off.

"No one tells my boyfriend he's fat!" I suddenly yell.

The boys look all confused at me and they walk to me.

Zayn grabs the piece of paper. He's angry too I can see it very well. Louis and Liam rib it apart.

Next morning
Nialls pov

I walk downstairs to look if I can eat something. I can't find the paper!

Louis and Liam walk downstairs to me. They hold 2 pieces of paper in their hands. FOCK!

I try to grab it but I can't reach liams hand cus he's taller than me.

"You're not listen to it and you're definitely not going to Simon today! You and Harry are gonna have a fun day" Louis says.

Harry walks downstairs and Liam starts to make pancakes.

I sit on the couch when Harry sits next to me. "Love please don't listen to what Simon says" he starts to beg.

I feel tears coming down and Harry makes me look at him. Harry came out while we were doing the X-factor so Simon never was able to bother him.

"You're brave and very handsome niall" he says while he wipes away my tears.

"We're going to the beach today and than we go to nandos and I don't expect a no" Harry says. I smile at him and not.

"It's a picnic so you get some food and I make some food" Harry calls when he walks back upstairs.

At the picnic
Harrys pov

I look at Niall who's eating a lot. Like he hasn't been eating for 4 days. Well he didn't eat a lot for 7 days so it might explains it.

He looks at me with chocolate around his mouth. "What you looking at?" He asks with a full mouth.

I don't know why but I kiss him. He pulls away and starts to turn all red.

We lay in the sand and I turn to him. "Harry can I ask you something?" He asks.

"You just did but sure" he laughs a little.

"Why me?" He asks.

"You're cute, handsome, a bit childness but that's fun, you have beautiful blue eyes and I loved you since Simon put us together. I know you're insecure and you care about what people think, also your hair is like really fluffy and I love your hair!" I tell him.

I come to him. "I love you niall James Horan"

"I love you too haz" he comes lay against my chest like a little girl.

After a while niall fell asleep and he gets a text from Simon.

Simon: where the hell are you??

I text him back.

Niall: Harry here
He's on a date with me
He can't come today or
The rest of the boys

I block Simon and I wake up niall gentle and he looks at me with his cute little sleepy eyes.

"Come on were going to nandos!" I say and he laughs. 

We grab our stuff and I fall on the ground in the sand. I stick out my hand so niall can help me up.

Niall casually grabs my hand and I pull him down. He lays on top of me and I look at him.

"Come here love" I say and I pull his head a bit closer to me and I kiss him again.

He kisses me back now. He pulls off and he blushes again.

"Come on we're going to nandos now!" He says. We get up and grab our stuff again.

A group of young girls walk to us. Niall wraps his arms around his stomach cus he's not wearing any shirts yet. It looks God damn hot!

"Can we get a picture" Niall puts on a shirt real fast.

"Now we can" I smirk at him. "You didn't have to put on that shirt!" I say.

"You didn't have to do that either Harry" one of the girls says.

We take a picture and than we go back to the car.

Niall drives to nandos.

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