chapter 4

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Harrys pov

I look at Niall who is having a really bad panic attack and then he passes out. We drive as fast as we can to the hospital and I have niall in my hand. I try to wake him up but he won't.

When we arrive at the hospital they bring niall to a room but we can't go. Now I start to shake and breath heavily.

Come on haz keep it together. I hear niall saying in the back of my head. Louis comes sit next to me.

"He'll ben okay. He's stronger than we might think" I look up hoping my tears won't appear but they do.

"Just can't loose him Lou! I just can't!" Lou hugs me and I start to cry a little.

A doctor walks to us. "He's okay but he's a little skinny for a niall and he passed out by to much stress. Is it possible that he has lots of stres?" I nod and bite my nails while Lou stops me.

We can see him and he's awake! I run to him and jump next to him. He suddenly starts to cry in my chest.

"I'm sorry haz" he keeps saying. After 3 hours I was able to calm him down with the other lads.

The other lads are angry and they have a fist. Niall has his head in my arms. "THAT SON OF A BITCH!" Zayn yells.

Zayns pov

That's focking it! I turn on the TV and breaking news goes on.

"Breaking news! Simon Cowell has announced that niall horan who plays in the band one direction is sick! He said he is gay so Simon if you watch this! Not cool! You can't tell him he's sick and than just out him!" The person from the news says.

"Also if you watch this niall! We will support you and we will hunt Simon down-" the changel goes off. I see a little smile apear on nialls little cute face.

"It's disconnected" he says a little bit giggling. "I wondered what she was gonna say" I say.

"I think we will hunt you down and murder you in cold blood!" Niall starts to imagine.

"The fans won't believe Simon so you can still come out yourself tomorrow at the interview if you want" Harry says calming niall down.

"No we will come out" niall says on his tired voice. Not very much later he falls asleep. Harry does too.

Liam drags me and Lou out. "I'm gonna murder Simon!" He says angry. I see paps coming to us and we're all not in the mood.

Lou even start to yell that they have to leave us the hell alone! He does that usually never! We go back in the room and lock the door.

Someone knocks on the door and Liam looks. It's the doctor who he let's in. "I heard the news and I'm sorry for niall. I know how to get you out with out paps all over the place. Wanna take that change?"

We look at Niall and Harry who are still sleeping. Lou wakes them up gently. "Mate you don't like to get woken up why us now?" Niall asks a bit annoyed.

Lou points at the doctor. "So?" I get he's annoyed but don't reject like this niall.

"I know a way out with out paps" Harry goes to nialls hair over and over. I get a call from perrie.

"Hey what's up?" "Is Niall okay?" I hear. "He's not totally himself but come to our house we explain there" I tell her. I get a I love you and we hang  up.

"Niall" Harry than says. "Yeah?" "Besides you I have no control" I have to laugh and the other lads too. Niall kisses Harry. The doctor helps us out and indeed with out paps.

We arrive home and perries car is there already. She's probably already inside. We go inside and niall grabs harrys hands but I walk on their other side so he grabs my hand too.

We get inside and perrie hugs me and gives me a kiss. "Hey Lou if we're 35 and not married or have any kids we get married?" Liam asks to Lou. "I have a kid remember?" Lou answers him. "Okay if we're not married or have a girlfriend?" Lou agrees on it.

Perrie went to niall and hugs him.

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