chapter 3

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At nandos
Nialls pov

I notice now that Simon didn't text me yet. I grab my phone and see the text and that Harry blocked him.

"I get in trouble by this Harry!" I tell him. We already are at nandos. "We all will get in trouble bub" he says. "And the boys don't even know that I sended it with all our names" he adds.

Zayns pov

We're in the interview with out niall and Harry. They're on their date. I get a picture of Niall and Harry eating in nandos. Niall has 2 fries in his nose it looks weird but it makes me laugh.

The boys got the picture too. "Typical niall" Liam says rolling his eyes in a funny way. We explain that niall and Harry are doing something together and niall is doing weird again.

"So like are they together? As a couple?" We defend niall cus he doesn't wanna come out to the world.

"No they're not they're just really close friends" Liam defends a little. "That's cool too!" The interview is over and louis gets a call.

Louis pov

I get a call and see it's Simon. I pick up and he starts to yell at. "WHERE THE HELL IS NIALL?! WHY THE HELL DOESN'T HE ANSWER HIS GOD DAMN PHONE!!!!" I don't need to put it on speaker for the others to hear it.

What did Harry say on nialls phone to Simon? "YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ALL COME OVER TOMORROW!" He hangs up the phone.

We go home and they're watching a movie. It's movie night so I get it. "We are having a big speech from Simon tomorrow. He's angry at us all! So Harry what did you do?" I ask him

"Making sure my focking boyfriend doesn't get an eating disorder. It was under all our names tho" Harry says.

"You're not mad at Harry right?" Sometimes niall is a little kid. Like a 5 year old who doesn't understand the world yet.

"No we're happy he did that! We will get in tons of trouble tomorrow tho!" Liam says laughing.

Niall is harrys boyfriend but for the rest including me he's our little bro! We do what ever it takes to make him safe.

Next day
Nialls pov

We are on our way to Simon. I am biting my nails and Harry keeps hitting my hand. Not hard but just I will stop

I hate plains I hate Simon and right now their are 2 things I'm doing I hate.

"Niall James Horan stop bitting your focking nails. You messe up your beautiful nails!" He says. I than tap my food on the ground and Harry grabs my head. He pushes it into his shoulder and I can relax just a little.

We arrive at the airport and a private car is waiting for us. We get in and when we get in I grab slowly harrys hand.

We get to Simon and we go in to his office. Before me and Harry walks in he pulls me back.

"If he says anything that pisses me off about you or the other mates we leave! Also don't listen to him if he says something mean" he says very serious. I never heard him this serious in a long time. I nod and we go in.

The others are already sitting on his couch. Me and Harry sit down too and I'm so focking nervous.

He offers us something to drink but I shake no. "So you guys know why you're here?" He starts. They nod but I don't know so I shake my head.

"Niall wait outside please" I walk out sadly cus I know it's about me and I wanna be part of the conversation. "No he's staying" Liam says defensive.

I walk out anyway and just sit next to the door.

Liams pov

I want niall to be a part of this conversation but he's scared to stand up against Simon.

He walks out and I look at him. "I'm trying to fix niall from his sickness! I was to late with Harry but I can still safe niall! I can get him even a nice woman when he's feeling better" Harry gets angry and makes a fist from his hand.

I give him the don't look but it doesn't work. "He's not focking sick Simon! He will be when he starts your food schedule btw!" Louis says angry.

Harry just walks out and slams the door. "No one will love niall if he's sick!" That's it!


Nialls pov

I can hear them all yelling at Simon. Harry came sit next to me and I'm crying in his chest.

"Everything bad that happen to 1D is my fault!" I say. He shh me a little and after 30 minutes the others come out. "YOU'RE NOT OUTING ANYONE SIMON!" I hear Zayn yelling. I didn't know zayn could be that angry.

"Come on we're leaving!" Haz helps me up along with Lou.

"What did you mean with outing someone?" I ask scared. "You have to come out soon if you wanna do it yourself mate" zayn says very angry. I start to breath heavily and shake.

I get dizzy and everything starts to hurt really bad. I can barley walk or breathe. I can't hear the boys around me and I fall on the ground. I feel someone catches me and when I look it's Harry. He kisses me but it just won't work. Everything goes totally black!

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