chapter 9

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Nialls pov

After the interview we go to the stage where we preform tonight. Lilly will sit with us on stage.

We're in an hotel and me and Harry share the room. "I am relieved she didn't ask about my hands" I pull up my hands and Harry takes of his shirt.

I look at him and he's so skinny I just wish I was that skinny. He lays next to me and pulls me closer to him.

I am in his chest right now. "You're freezing niall" he than suddenly. To be honest I am very warm. He lays his hand on my forehead.

"Niall you're having a fever" he looks at me. "I know. I just wanna be at the concert tonight" I tell him.

"Bub you can't okay. Just stay at the hotel tonight take rest and take tea" I stand up and shake my head. "No I'm going to the concert"

"No you're not! Niall you can't just work your ass out and get an burn out!" "I love the stage! I can handle that!" I start to cough really bad.

Harry grabs me and lays me down strict. "Stay!" He says also strict.

Harrys pov

He started the cough really bad and he starts to sweat really bad. I walk to the other lads.

"Niall is having a really bad fever and now he wants to come anyway! I know we won't be able to stop him but we can't let him come either"

I see the boys having a serious look on their faces as I tell. "Wait niall is having a fever?" I nod. "How?" Liam asks.

"Well it sometimes comes with stress or if someone else has a fever but non off us has a fever so it might be stress" zayn says. Zayn is smart when it comes to that kind off things.

"Well he had a lot of stress we can't deny that!" Louis says. I feel terrible. "I haven't had any stress and I am going to the concert tonight! Even if it's the last thing I do!" We turn around and we see niall.

"Why won't you support that?" He asks. He sounds sad and angry at once. "Well cus you're sick! You can't go and it's not just Harry who doesn't support the idea of going! Look at you niall! Your sick and sweating really bad!" Liam says protective.

"I wanna go! I don't care!" Niall is the sweet person but soon as you tell him no he's not that sweet person at the moment. Later he comes to apologize and than he's cute again.

Never ever tell niall no when you don't know him. Lilly looks confused at us.

Zayn walks to niall. When I can't talk cences in niall zayn can but when zayn can't no one can.

"Look niall we get it okay? You wanna go but you can't properly sing right now! You'll be like that guy from ICarly when we were there remember?"

I see a little smile apear but it also disappears really fast too. "I am going! Singing or not! I am being there!" Niall says.

"Just go for that rest!" Zayn says annoyed. "WHY JUST ME? I FEEL FI-" before he even can end his sentence he caughs again badly. It's worse than the last time.

Louis walks to niall and lays him on a bed. "You better stay there!"

Niall stands up as fast as he can. "You make me stop 1 thing I love to do? Besides Harry? Great friends!" Niall walks off slamming the door.

"Did he just said that he loves to do harry?"  Lilly asks kinda giggling. It makes me giggle too cus I didn't hear it like that.

Louis is less happy tho. I decide to go after niall and the lads too. I just can't find him. Please niall don't be stupid and went outside.

Nialls pov

Well if I can't preform tonight what am I still useful for? I slam their door and went to the rooftop of the hotel.

I am standing on the edge and I look down. A man just pulls me away. I look at him but it's not one of the lads.

"You wouldn't think of it would you?" He asks. "I did think about it and I still do" I start to cough again. "You have a fever" he brings me back inside and I than see Liam running around. "Is he your friend?" I nod yes.

He brings me to Liam who looks very worried. "I found him on the edge of the roof trying to jump" Liam looks in shock at me.

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