chapter 12

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Harrys pov

I'm not happy it had to go this way but I'm already happy he comes with us.

He comes to the livingroom not wearing the hoodie I layed down. Lilly has a boyfriend and I'm the only one who knows.

Louis and Liam will murder her, zayn doesn't know what to say when she tells him and I felt like she and she needed help.

It's Finn Wolfhard and yes I have met him. I dropped her off a couple of times by him.

We get in the car and there are people taking pictures of us and specially niall.

We get in and niall doesn't look at us. He looks outside and I sit besides him. Lilly sits next to me again who texts with Finn. It's cute and very annoying at the same time.

"Nialler please talk to us" zayn says a bit begging. He bits his lip and I give him a little tap so he stops. It did work but if a look on a face could kill I was dead by now!

"Nialler where I that smile I remember?" Louis tries to help. "Not coming back" he answers.

"Niall look at me" I say. It kinda works cus he looks my direction. "I missed those eyes" he gives me a little smile. I can tell he hates it.

"Simon just wants me back for the money" Niall says. He sounds angry and I get it. "What do you mean?" He shrugs.

Nialls pov

I heard Simon talking to my therapist the first moths. I remember him saying he needs me in the band so he can make more money again.

I really wanted to talk to someone but just not this therapist! I start to feel tears rolling down my face and than I feel someone pulling me in a hug.

I saw harrys hoodie and I just couldn't wear it! I wanted my old hoodie I got from him. It still smelled like Harry just enough to remember him.

Just to remember how great he smelled. The new one smelled to his new perfume and I didn't like it. I mean I like it but it wasn't like I remember.

"Niall tell us what's going on? Please I need you to tell me" Louis begs. I really wanna talk about it but if Simon finds out he'll murder me in cold blood!

Some car comes from the other side and it hits us! Everything goes black.

Zayns pov

I sit on the other side from where the car hit us so I didn't get injured bad. Niall and Liam are  on the opposite injured badly!

I'm able to get my phone and I call 911. We arrive at the hospital and Liam and niall got to have an operation.

The others are injured and I call family of ours. I first call perrie than I call Florence who is Louis girlfriend at the moment.

They do some tests by me but besides my broken ankle I'm fine! I have a little scratch on my head.

"You friends Harry and louis are awake along with Lilly. They're in the same room so you can see them" the doctor says.

Harry has 25 stitches, Louis has 10 stitches and Lilly has also 10 stitches.

"Where is Niall?" Harry asks bitting his lips. I see he's hurt badly. I have 1 stitche but I'm fine with it.

"He's in the OR along with Liam" a doctor comes rushing in and we look at her. "You're friend niall doesn't want the operation! If he doesn't he'll die"

I run well I try to run but she holds me back. "Nope you all need rest! What i wanted to say is we did get him so far to do it anyway. We wanted to thank Harry for that" We all look at Harry.

"He well we helped him put on a other hoodie and he said it smelled not as great as the other one but we had to say that if he dies what he won't we had to say that he loves you guys. Also I think it were the pain killers that told me harrys hot!"

Harry smiles a little bit happy. I got my own bed now. We all lay down and talk. A boy with black curly hair walks in and looks for someone.

"Oh there you are!" I remember him! He's lillys boyfriend. Everyone knows it even tho Lilly didn't tell us yet. Louis has no clue tho.

"You all okay?" He asks. "We are but Liam and niall aren't" we did meet him a few times.

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