chapter 11

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Zayns pov

I get a call after the interview from Simon. I pick up scared cus we couldn't talk about niall anymore and we did it again. We get in trouble for that a lot.

"Hello simon" I say. "He's a mess! He doesn't even think of going back to you guys" Simon says annoyed. "Wait a sec I'll go in the car so the other lads can hear you too"

We all get in the car and the others hear Simon too.

"He's just a mess" Simon says. "I wonder why he would" Harry says angry. Harry has been angry with Simon ever since Niall left. He can't talk to Simon with out a big mouth.

"He lost almost 25 pounds the therapist can't help him a clinic can't no one can. I'll text you the address"

I get an address. "You got the address?" We all answer yes. "Why do you suddenly care so much about my boyfriend?" Harry asks angry. "Believe me I don't! But you're a mess too! Find him talk to him!" Simon hangs up.

Nialls pov

I lay on the couch and when I almost fell asleep the doorbell goes off again! For God sake Simon I said no!

I walk angry to the front door. "I told you no!" I say but when I look I see the lads. "Leave me alone" I say. Before I can say anything else they already walk in.

They have a bag full of food. "You eat" Louis says very strict. "No" I answer him.

"I will push it in your mouth niall James horan" zayn says. They open the curtains and turn of my light.

Zayn comes next to me and on the other side is Harry sitting. Liam and louis are cleaning up a little. Zayn already grabs food and pushes it in my mouth.

Lilly is helping cleaning up. "Niall why did you bought this house?" Harry suddenly asks. He stood up and looked around. My plan was marrying Harry and live here but I can't marry him and I definitely can't live here with him.

He grabs a picture of the 5 of us where we have crazy faces.

Lilly starts to hum something and it sounds like I know it and I hate it.

"You don't know you're beautiful that's what makes you beautiful" Liam starts to sing a little.

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell
You don't know, oh-oh
You don't know you're beautiful" Harry sings along.

Zayn just pushes more food in my mouth. Honestly I haven't eaten so much in the past 3 months.

The other lads eat too Lilly eats af course too. After 3 hours of cleaning they sit down and before Louis sits down he hits my on the back of my head.

"That seriously hurts mate! What was that for?" I ask him annoyed.

"What was that for? You don't let hear anything from you for the past 3 months! Harry is a mess he sits every night at the frontdoor hoping you just walk back in and you don't! We seriously started to think you did kill yourself! Why don't you talk to the therapist?" Louis tells angry too.

"Cus Simon hired her! How can I trust her than?" I say angry. I am so angry but not at the lads. I'm angry at myself for leaving them.

"Did you harm yourself niall?" Zayn suddenly asks. I am wearing a hoodie and I automatically get my sleeves more down so they don't see my wrist.

Zayn rolls his eyes and grabs my arm. Liam grabs the other one so I can't resist. They roll my sleeve up and look at me.

"Serieus niall? You hurt yourself?" Louis asks. I get tears in my eyes and I'm able to push them of me. "Get focking out!" I yell at them.

"No we are not leaving! I am not leaving you again!" Harry says. "You are gonna take a show cus you smell like shit we clean your clothes and you come with us!" Louis says. He looks way to serious and I just do what he says.

Harrys pov

I see niall walking upstairs and I have a mental breakdown out of the sudden. They hug me and it just hurts to see niall so. "1 positive thing is that I found my hoodie" I say so we can laugh a little.

"We do need to clean it" Liam says scared. "He's gonna be pissed of if we clean that hoodie" I answer him. We grab his clothes that we see and clean it. I left a other hoodie from me on his bed but I know the one he had on it his favorite.

I knock on the bathroom door and walk in. I see niall taking the shower and he looks so skinny. His cuts aren't just on his wrist but on his whole body.

What hate can do with people. I just watch him until he notice. He's still cute and handsome. I know he's still sweet too! It will come again.

"Why are you staring?" Niall asks when he comes out the shower. "Cus you're still cute" I say.

"And you're still handsome" he says kinda annoyed. "What's wrong with that?" I ask him. "A lot" he says. He walks out and I wanna follow him but the others shake their heads.

"Give him time haz he at least already comes with us" Lilly says.

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